I first met Dwight at an Archicad meeting in Vancouver in 1992 (Pal
Szabo from GSCNE in Toronto would host these to showcase new/upcoming
features for existing and potential new customers). Dwight had just
purchased his first computer – a Macintosh Q...
Two monitors side-by-side at the office for the past 10 years (various
resolutions depending on time period), but at home I've just hooked up
the new Asus PB287Q 28-inch 4k UHD monitor to my Mac Pro. Asus lists the
resolution at 3840 x 2160 pixels (s...
Article posted on the architosh commentary blog in late-October states
the new Mac Pro should be good news for ArchiCAD users.
Still waiting for actual t...
A few inaccuracies in this article… I purchased the 128k Macintosh in
the summer of 1984 and it only shipped with two programs — MacWrite and
MacPaint. MacDraw did not debut until Fall 1984, and was a separate
software purchase (I acquired it in Nove...
Autodesk's AutoCAD rules the roost in many architectural firms and is
almost universal among engineering consultants. The DWG format is the de
facto standard for drawing exchange on almost all projects, and most
institutional clients have also adopte...