Glenn Berger
since ‎2004-03-13

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The software key log in panel does not show my key. Refresh doesn't work. The panel says I am logged in but doesn't show my available key. I am a sole proprietor using Archicad on only two computers. Same situation on both machines. Imac 27" late 201...
I have projects created in archicad 10 which were saved as for each new upgrade through archicad 17. Should I start with a new copy of archicad 18 and use attribute manager to move relevant details and standards or save as and just delete the older s...
I've drawn a group of complex walls. When viewing in 3D some walls not visible. I dragged a copy of all the walls to 50ft away and all walls showed. Then replaced the missing walls ( still there in plan view) with the duplicates. Problem solved. What...