I created an add-on on AC22 that will generate elevation marker in "front" of a curtain wall.
When I migrated the add-on (and the model) to AC23, I noticed that SOME of the created elevation marker are not in "front" of the curtain walls.
When I checked the data, I found that some of curtain wall have their polygon (API_Memo.coords) already in project coordinate. But the tranmat (API_CurtainWallType.planeMatrix) is still the same as those on AC22.
In the attached image, oPoly is the curtain wall polygon (first two coordinate), elevBeg and elevEnd are the transformed coordinate (using the tranmat) of the polygon to be used on elevation marker.
ARCHICAD 26 INT (from AC18)
Windows 11 Pro, AMD Ryzen 7, 3.20GHz, 32.0GB RAM, 64-bit OS