Hello everyone,
I've been trying to edit the HotlinkMasterID but got no success yet. So far, i found out that the value is saved for each Element under "GeneralElemProperties"->"HotlinkMasterID". But this property is not changeable (https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Developer-forum/Change-Value-of-canValueBeEditable-false-Propert...)
Apparently the HotlinkMasterID is tied to the Hotlink object and not the Element - which makes sense - but I can't find a Hotlink structure that holds that information. There is https://archicadapi.graphisoft.com/documentation/api_hotlinknode but there is nothing in regards to HotlinkMasterID.
When I look into the header file, I can see that filler_3 is supposed to be the MasterID, but when I print it out I just get an empty string.

Can anyone tell me how to edit the HotlinkMasterID with the API?
Kind Regards