Hi again !
I experimented a bit around with ACAPI_Element_ShapePrims, but as noted in
ACAPI_Librpart_shapeprims, the 2D data you receive using this is the floor, "view from above" representation of the element.
So I tinkered around, found
ACAPI_Element_Get3D, and had other, more pressing work to do, so I couldn't really experiment too much and try to draw the 3D representation myself.
But, I got reaaally lucky while rummaging around in the DG_Test example : as I was experimenting around, I found
ACAPI_Element_GetVisualOverriddenImage in the DG_Test example !
The representation given by this function is exactly what I needed, so i'll be attaching a picture of what an extracted image looks like for future reference.
Consider this solved !