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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Extracting the Polyline data for MEP Elements from the Model

Amit Tiwari


  • What is API_Neig?

    I encountered the term API_Neig in the MEP Test example, where it is used for selecting an MEP element. Can someone explain what API_Neig represents and how it is used in the context of MEP elements?

Extracting Polyline Information for All Routing Elements in the Model

I want to extract the Polyline information for all Routing Elements from the entire model, not just from a specific selection. Here’s the workflow I’m using:

  • getElementList: Retrieve all elements.
  • Filter by TypeID: Check if it’s an MEP Element.
  • Check if Routing Element: Confirm if it’s a routing element.
  • get Routing Element for this guid: Retrieve the routing element.
  • extract the Polyline using getPolyline(): Attempt to get the polyline.

However, I’m unable to get any coordinates using this method. The same workflow successfully retrieves the polyline when a specific routing element is selected. What could be the issue with extracting polyline data for all routing elements in the model?    







Ralph Wessel

Are you confident that the elements you're inspecting should have a polyline? I haven't tried myself yet, but I assume not all MEP elements have one.


If you haven't tried already I suggest building and running the API example project "MEP_Test". It includes a function WriteRoutingElementDetails which echoes what you're trying to do. If it works, we can try to work out what the difference is. If it doesn't work, I suspect it's a problem with the MEP elements you are trying to inspect.

Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation


  • Initial Success with MEP_Test:

    • I successfully built the MEP_Test project.
    • Using this project, I was able to extract polyline data from selected elements.
  • MEP_Test Functionality:

    • The MEP_Test project is designed to work based on user selection.
    • It uses the ACAPI_Selection_Get API to retrieve selected elements (API_Neig).
    • A unique ID is then generated from the neig_guid.
    • Finally, the routing element is extracted using RoutingElement::Get(UniqueId).
  • Objective:

    • My goal is to extract all routing elements present in the model automatically, without relying on manual selection.



void ExtractAllRoutingElements() {
    GS::Array<API_Guid> elementGuids;
    ACAPI_Element_GetElemList(API_ZombieElemID, &elementGuids);

    for (const API_Guid& guid : elementGuids) {
        API_Element element = {};
        element.header.guid = guid;
        if (ACAPI_Element_Get(&element) == NoError) {
            // Check if the element is a routing element
            if (element.header.typeID == API_ExternalElemID &&
                (IsBranch(element.header.type.classID) ||
                 IsAccessory(element.header.type.classID) ||
                 IsEquipment(element.header.type.classID) ||
                 IsTerminal(element.header.type.classID) ||
                 IsFitting(element.header.type.classID) ||
                 IsFlexibleSegment(element.header.type.classID) ||
                 IsRoutingElement(element.header.type.classID))) {
                // Process the routing element
                Adapter::UniqueID uniqueId(guid);

void WriteRoutingElementDetails(Adapter::UniqueID &uniqueId) {
    try {
        ACAPI::Result<RoutingElement> routingElementResult = RoutingElement::Get(uniqueId);

        if (routingElementResult.IsErr()) {
            const auto& error = routingElementResult.UnwrapErr();
            ACAPI_WriteReport(error.text.c_str(), false);

        Reporter routingElementReporter;
        std::vector<API_Coord3D> polyline = routingElementResult->GetPolyLine();

        if (polyline.empty()) {
            ACAPI_WriteReport("Polyline is empty", false);
        } else {
            routingElementReporter.Add("Polyline of the routing element:");

            for (const API_Coord3D& node : polyline) {

            routingElementReporter.Add("This is new Tab");

    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        ACAPI_WriteReport(std::string(e.what()).c_str(), false);
    } catch (...) {
        ACAPI_WriteReport("Unknown exception in WriteRoutingElementDetails", false);





  • ExtractAllRoutingElements Function:

    • Enumerates all elements in the model using ACAPI_Element_GetElemList.
    • Filters elements to find routing elements based on their type.
    • Calls WriteRoutingElementDetails for each routing element.
  • WriteRoutingElementDetails Function:

    • Extracts detailed information about the routing element using RoutingElement::Get.
    • Checks if the polyline data is empty and handles it appropriately.
    • Logs the polyline data.   
  • But my code fails in getting the polyline data. Whereas using the same workflow in Selection I am able to successfully obtain the polyline data


Ralph Wessel

The function WriteRoutingElementDetails in the "MEP_Test" project only takes the guid to an element as a parameter, which means it should work the same way irrespective of being selected or not. Have you tried a copy/paste of that function to your code to see if it still works when the element guids have not come from a selection?

Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation

I tried copy pasting the same in my code ( writeRoutingElementDetails comes from MEP_Test Example ). It still doesn't work. 

Ralph Wessel

Are the element guids the same in both cases?

Ralph Wessel BArch
Central Innovation