I have an add-on that forces ArchiCAD to export to an IFC file each time a new element is added to the project. The add-on then notifies another application called the IFC Viewer, which loads/reloads the IFC file and displays the contents in 3D. When I select an element in ArchiCAD, I want that element to be highlighted in the IFC Viewer. To achieve this I need to find some way of identifying the selected ArchiCAD element in the IFC file. Only problem is that the ArchiCAD IFC add-on strips down everything including the unique ID of elements and any custom information that I may have added.
Does anyone know how I can attach information to elements in ArchiCAD (e.g. my own unique ID for an element), so that the information will still be attached to the elements in the exported IFC file?
It would be really helpful if I could somehow modify the ArchiCAD IFC add-on, but I guess Graphisoft is unlikely to release the source code

Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.