Laszlo is correct. Beams and columns are now assemblies like the curtain wall or stair elements. An assembly is comprised of a parent element and any number of child component elements ("segments" for beams and columns). When you migrate a column or beam element from AC22 to AC23, it becomes 2 elements: a parent and 1 child segment.
This presents a number of complications for developers and users, particularly when there is an important distinction between the the assembly as a whole or a component in the assembly. Consider a modeless palette that interacts with selected elements. Typically the user can only select the parent assembly - but what if the user wants to interact with one of the child elements? Assemblies support an "edit" mode, where the individual parts can be selected an interacted with, but only for a single assembly. And worse, if a beam/column has only a single segment (which is typically the case) you can't enter 'edit' mode at all, and therefore it is impossible to engage with the segment through a modeless palette.
The problem is compounded by the fact that the parent and child elements have separate meta-data, e.g. ID, classification, properties etc. A beam/column migrated from AC22 to AC23 migrates the meta-data into the parent assembly but not into the child segment. So, for example, if you have a database coupling records on the basis of ID and extracting data related to materials or surfaces, this completely breaks down because the child segments with the required data haven't inherited the meta-data values of the parent. And there is no easy way for the user to inspect this because modeless interaction with the child segment isn't possible. We could work around this by assuming the selection means the child, but this will break in future if they start creating multi-segment beams/columns.
This is causing a headache for some of our largest customer and we're still working with them to devise an appropriate response. I hope your requirements prove to be much simpler!
Ralph Wessel BArch
Active Thread Ltd