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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Need Restful API functionality

Not applicable
I noticed that there are header files for HTTP and JSON. Does Archicad 22 have the ability to do Restful calls?
I have tried, with no luck, to get 3rd party Casablanca HTTP library to work in a project.
Please help

Archicad 22
Not applicable
Ok I have found examples in Goodies example project. Now having a problem with Casting to Json object, throws an exception. I am able to retreive the response data as text but I really need a JSON object

/* throws exception at GS::DynamicCast<JSON::ObjectValue>(parsed); */
DBPrintf("HTTP %u\n", response.GetStatusCode());
if (response.GetStatusCode() == StatusCode::OK) {

JSON::ObjectValueRef object = GS::DynamicCast<JSON::ObjectValue>(parsed);
JSON::StringValueRef tokenValue = GS::DynamicCast<JSON::StringValue>(object->Get("regionName"));
if (tokenValue != nullptr) {
GS::UniString token = tokenValue->Get();
DBPrintf("NBS Token: %s\n", token.ToCStr().Get());

/* Working but text only */
SAJParser saxParser;
ExampleSAJParseTracer testSAXParseTracer;

saxParser.Parse(clientConnection.BeginReceive(response), testSAXParseTracer);
if (testSAXParseTracer.ParseFinished()) {
DBPrintf("The content of the JSON file was:\n%s\n", testSAXParseTracer.GetOutput().ToCStr(0, MaxUSize, CC_UTF8).Get());


catch ( std::exception&)
std::string error;
Has anyone else worked with the JSON parsing in the ArchiCAD API? I am facing a similar problem to Bianca's example above.

I can get the response data as text no worries, but cannot seem to get a member string value cast to GS::UniString.
Not applicable
Use a JSON::JDOMParser to parse the client's response into a JSON object:

HTTP::Client::Response response;
JSON::JDOMParser parser;
JSON::ValueRef parsed = parser.Parse(client->BeginReceive(response));

// check statuscode
auto statusCode = response.GetStatusCode();

if (statusCode == HTTP::MessageHeader::StatusCode::OK) {
JSON::ObjectValueRef object = GS::DynamicCast<JSON::ObjectValue>(parsed);
// do whatever you need with 'object'
Mihalcea Bogdan
Kengey wrote:
Use a JSON::JDOMParser to parse the client's response into a JSON object:

HTTP::Client::Response response;
JSON::JDOMParser parser;
JSON::ValueRef parsed = parser.Parse(client->BeginReceive(response));

// check statuscode
auto statusCode = response.GetStatusCode();

if (statusCode == HTTP::MessageHeader::StatusCode::OK) {
JSON::ObjectValueRef object = GS::DynamicCast<JSON::ObjectValue>(parsed);
// do whatever you need with 'object'
Can you please write some code after "//do whatever you want", like how to get values from the object?
Mihalcea Bogdan
I found another parser here.
C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\API Development Kit 24.3009\Support\Modules\RapidJSON
Documentation for rapidJSON

It gave me better results and the code is much more readable.