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Mihalcea Bogdan
since ‎2021-03-05

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  • 44 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 3 Likes given
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I noticed in the DG_Test Example project that the MyPrefs struct is made only from static variables. For some time I am struggling to Debug my code for saving this kind of struct into the preferences. In the hashtable below I want to store multiple d...
Hi,I need to create a struct that can be used as a Key in a hashtable. So far I made this:struct Item{ GS::UInt8 parentId; GS::UInt8 itemId; const GS::UInt8 hash = this->parentId + this->itemId; GS::ULong Item::GenerateHashValue() { return GS::Genera...
Hi!I created an AddOn and it works fine on the PC at the office and at my home PC.The office PC and my Home PC both have installed the Archicad 24 SDK.When I try to start it on another PC/Laptop on Archicad 24 it give an error in the Addon Manager "O...
Hello!How can I use the event notifications in Archicad API?I created a new Button class based on the DG::Button class which has a "name" variable. When I click this button I want to make something happen. For now I am using if(ev.GetSource() == some...
Hello!Which part of the API Reference I need to read about picture boxes?Is there any "canvas" like elements for Archicad?I really need a picture container or an canvas container where I can display and interact a .PNG, or a .SVG file.After some user...
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