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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Preference Settings

It seems like the API only gives access to about half of the Archicad Preference dialog box.

I have so far been unable to find settings to de/activate for things like "Automatic Pen Color Visibility Adjustment", "Save Navigator Preview" , and "Fill Background Color."

Has anyone else found these anywhere? I've been digging through the Documentation and Examples, with no luck so far.

Tom Waltz
Karl Ottenstein
TomWaltz wrote:
It seems like the API only gives access to about half of the Archicad Preference dialog box.
There are a lot of things that the API does not let us access. Each of these omitted areas is fodder for new devkit wishlist items here. Feel free to post your own [wish] items. Or, ask about a feature - as Tom has here - and if others agree it is needed and missing, I'll do the moderator thing and change the thread to a [wish]. AFAIK you cannot do the things you asked about, but I'll wait for one of our more experienced API developers to confirm it.

We also have 2 more weeks (until the end of May) during which email may be sent to devsup at so take advantage of that. Beginning June 1, technical support for developers is only peer-to-peer (here) or for a fee from GS. Still, I hope some members of GS staff will contribute here as their time permits! 😉

I definitely support your wish for r/w access to all Preferences....since my wish is for 100% access to all features of AC.


PS Because we are a single forum within ac-talk, we can't have polls automatically added to wishes as in the ac-talk wishlist. If you have the time and energy, you can edit your original post and add a poll, item by item. Of course, since there are only about 5 of us active at the moment, just responding to a wish is probably good enough!

PPS Check the relevant header files just in case the code is there but the documentation wasn't brought up to date...
One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.9, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
There are a lot of things that the API does not let us access
Ugh!!! That's it, I'm changing to Revit 🙂 Oh wait, they don't have a DevKit at all......

I'm really spoiled from Arris, where the DevKit included not only access to EVERY system variable and setting, but the source code for most of the commands and menus that make up the software.

Anything you didn't like, you could change. By the time we left Arris, I had re-written half the interface, and probably tampered with half the commands in the program (it was nice to be able to fix bugs and inconsistancies myself!!)

Their menu system was pretty archaic, as was their programming language, "Sigmac." It was based on C *from the early 80's* and never updated. They just added a few new hidden functions to each version.
Tom Waltz
Ralph Wessel
TomWaltz wrote:
It seems like the API only gives access to about half of the Archicad Preference dialog box.
Not all preferences are accessible from the API to my knowledge. I haven't had to access all of them yet, but I've already been frustrated on a couple occasions. Sorry.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Software Engineer Speckle Systems