License Delivery maintenance is expected to occur on Saturday, November 30, between 8 AM and 11 AM CET. This may cause a short 3-hours outage in which license-related tasks: license key upload, download, update, SSA validation, access to the license pool and Graphisoft ID authentication may not function properly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Sun direction documentation

Not applicable
Hey All,

I think that the documentation for APIAny_CalcSunOnPlaceID is bad, since API_PlaceInfo has been changed.

I try to figure out how does it work now, but I have some troubles. Could you please help?

double getSunDir (void){
	API_PlaceInfo  placeInfo;
	API_Attribute  attrib;
	GSErrCode      err;

	BNZeroMemory (&attrib, sizeof (API_Attribute));
	attrib.header.typeID = API_CityID;
	CHCopyC ("Budapest",;

	err = ACAPI_Attribute_Search (&attrib.header);
	if (!err) {
		BNZeroMemory (&placeInfo, sizeof (API_PlaceInfo));
		placeInfo.timeZone =;
		placeInfo.latitude =;
		placeInfo.longitude =;
		DBPrintf("latitude %d",placeInfo.latitude);
		DBPrintf("longitude %d",placeInfo.longitude);
		placeInfo.sumTime = false;    // winter time 
		placeInfo.dayOfYear = 60;
		placeInfo.minOfDay = 600;
		placeInfo.north = PI / 2;     // up direction

		err = ACAPI_Goodies (APIAny_CalcSunOnPlaceID, &placeInfo, NULL);
		return placeInfo.sunAngXY;
	DBPrintf("We don't know where the sun is.");
	return 0;
Tibor Lorantfy
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Szia Andor,

I will fix the documentation for APIAny_CalcSunOnPlaceID.
Here's an example code from Environment_Control test AddOn:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Get city/date/time/sun information 
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
static void		Do_DumpLocation (void) 
	API_PlaceInfo	placeInfo; 
	API_Vector3D	sunDir; 
	GSErrCode		err; 
	BNZeroMemory (&placeInfo, sizeof (API_PlaceInfo)); 
	err = ACAPI_Environment (APIEnv_GetPlaceSetsID, &placeInfo, NULL); 
	if (err) { 
		ErrorBeep ("APIEnv_GetPlaceSetsID", err); 
	WriteReport ("actual day: %d", placeInfo.dayOfYear); 
	WriteReport ("actual minute: %d", placeInfo.minOfDay); 
	placeInfo.dayOfYear = 45; 
	placeInfo.minOfDay = 8 * 60 + 45; 
	err = ACAPI_Goodies (APIAny_CalcSunOnPlaceID, &placeInfo, NULL); 
	if (err) { 
		ErrorBeep ("APIAny_CalcSunOnPlaceID", err); 
	sunDir.x = cos (placeInfo.sunAngXY) * cos (placeInfo.sunAngZ); 
	sunDir.y = sin (placeInfo.sunAngXY) * cos (placeInfo.sunAngZ); 
	sunDir.z = sin (placeInfo.sunAngZ); 
	WriteReport ("Sun data at 8:45 on 14th February"); 
	WriteReport ("  xy angle: %lf", placeInfo.sunAngXY); 
	WriteReport ("  z angle:  %lf", placeInfo.sunAngZ); 
	WriteReport ("  dirVect:  (%lf, %lf, %lf) ", sunDir.x, sunDir.y, sunDir.z); 
}		// Do_DumpLocation

This shows how to calculate the sun direction from the given placeInfo.

Best Regards,
Not applicable
Ran into the incorrect documentation also.

I was wondering if there is a way to pull out the current selected city in the sun directoin in Archicad 19