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10:17 AM
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09:54 AM
Noemi Balogh
GSErrCode err; void* newSightPtr; err = ACAPI_3D_CreateSight(&newSightPtr); Modeler::SightPtr * sight = reinterpret_cast<Modeler::SightPtr*>(&newSightPtr); ModelerAPI::Model model; AttributeReader attrReader; // This seems to be working DBPrintf("sight name is: %s", sight->Get()->GetName().ToCStr().Get()); Modeler::SunSettings sun = sight->Get()->GetSunSettings(); err = EXPGetModel(sight->Get()->GetConstMainModelPtr(), &model, &attrReader); //err = EXPGetModel(*sight, &model, &attrReader); // Both seem to work but on the next line the count is always 0. int cnt = model.GetElementCount(); ModelerAPI::Element elem; // strange indexing from the example for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) { model.GetElement(i, &elem); DBPrintf("model guid is %s", model.GetGuid().ToUniString().ToCStr().Get()); DBPrintf("elem guid is %s", elem.GetElemGuid().ToUniString().ToCStr().Get()); DBPrintf("Succesfully got element"); } DBPrintf("Yaay No Segfault"); ACAPI_3D_DeleteSight(newSightPtr);My ultimate goal would be getting the currently selected element/elements 3d information, but I've yet to find any crossover from the GUID oriented C api to this heavily object oriented c++ world.
2020-08-15 12:37 AM
Modeler::SightPtr sight; err = ACAPI_3D_CreateSight((void**) &sight); ModelerAPI::Model model; AttributeReader attrReader; err = EXPGetModel(sight, &model, &attrReader);
2020-08-15 01:46 AM
2020-08-17 02:32 PM
ACAPI_3D_CreateSightfunction. If I'm using the
ACAPI_3D_GetCurrentWindowSightto get a sight object, and the perspective view is on top, it works. If I had to guess, the sight is an empty object without the database.
GSErrCode err; //Modeler::SightPtr sight; //err = ACAPI_3D_CreateSight((void**)&sight); // err = ACAPI_3D_GetCurrentWindowSight((void**)&sight); void* newSightPtr; err = ACAPI_3D_GetCurrentWindowSight(&newSightPtr); Modeler::SightPtr * sight = reinterpret_cast<Modeler::SightPtr*>(&newSightPtr); if (err == NoError) { //sight.Get()->Attach(*this); ModelerAPI::Model model; AttributeReader attrReader; AttributeReader atr(); // This seems to be working DBPrintf("sight name is: %s\n", sight->Get()->GetName().ToCStr().Get()); Modeler::SunSettings sun = sight->Get()->GetSunSettings(); err = EXPGetModel(sight->Get()->GetConstMainModelPtr(), &model, &attrReader); //err = EXPGetModel(*sight, &model, &attrReader); // Both seem to work but on the next line the count is always 0. DBPrintf("model guid is %s\n", model.GetGuid().ToUniString().ToCStr().Get()); int cnt = model.GetElementCount(); ModelerAPI::MeshBody body; ModelerAPI::Element elem; for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) { model.GetElement(i, &elem); // continue if not interested guid. if (!(guids->Contains(GSGuid2APIGuid(elem.GetElemGuid())))) continue; // Take a look on EdgeAttributes class. int nBodies = elem.GetMeshBodyCount(); for (Int32 iBody = 1; iBody <= nBodies; iBody++) { // Bodies elem.GetMeshBody(iBody, &body); bool wire = body.IsWireBody(); bool mesh = body.IsVisibleIfContour(); // if this is true this might be a contur poly. bool closed = body.IsClosed(); bool solid = body.IsSolidBody(); DBPrintf("These are all the vertices of %s \n", elem.GetElemGuid().ToUniString().ToCStr().Get()); Int32 vertexCnt = body.GetVertexCount(); GS::Array<ModelerAPI::Vertex> vertexContainer; for (Int32 iVertex = 1; iVertex <= vertexCnt; iVertex++) { ModelerAPI::Vertex vtx; body.GetVertex(iVertex, &vtx); vertexContainer.Push(vtx); DBPrintf("Body vertex idx: %d [%2.1f %2.1f %2.1f] \n", iVertex, vtx.x, vtx.y, vtx.z); } DBPrintf("These are all the edges of %s \n", elem.GetElemGuid().ToUniString().ToCStr().Get()); Int32 edgeCnt = body.GetEdgeCount(); GS::Array<ModelerAPI::Edge> edgeContainer; for (Int32 iEdge = 1; iEdge <= edgeCnt; iEdge++) { ModelerAPI::Edge edge; body.GetEdge(iEdge, &edge); Int32 idV1 = edge.GetVertexIndex1(); Int32 idV2 = edge.GetVertexIndex2(); DBPrintf("Body edge nr.:%d between vertices %d - %d \n", iEdge, idV1, idV2); DBPrintf("Body edge nr.:%d between [%2.1f %2.1f %2.1f]-[%2.1f %2.1f %2.1f] \n", iEdge, vertexContainer[idV1-1].x, vertexContainer[idV1-1].y, vertexContainer[idV1-1].z, vertexContainer[idV2-1].x, vertexContainer[idV2-1].y, vertexContainer[idV2-1].z ); Int32 idP1 = edge.GetPolygonIndex1(); Int32 idP2 = edge.GetPolygonIndex2(); DBPrintf("Body edge nr.:%d related to polygons %d - %d \n", iEdge, idP1, idP2); bool cont = edge.IsVisibleIfContour(); DBPrintf("Is edge[%d] visible %s \n", iEdge, cont ? "true" : "false" ); edgeContainer.Push(edge); } Int32 polCnt = body.GetPolygonCount(); DBPrintf("These are all the Polygons of %s\n", elem.GetElemGuid().ToUniString().ToCStr().Get()); ModelerAPI::Polygon poly; for (Int32 iPoly = 1; iPoly <= polCnt; iPoly++) { body.GetPolygon(iPoly, &poly); Int32 polyEdge = poly.GetEdgeCount(); for (Int32 iPEdge = 1; iPEdge <= polyEdge; iPEdge++) { Int32 edgeIdx = poly.GetEdgeIndex(iPEdge); DBPrintf("Edges in this [%d] pgon idx:%d \n", iPoly, edgeIdx); } for (Int32 iPVec = 1; iPVec <= polyEdge; iPVec++) { Int32 vecIdx = poly.GetVertexIndex(iPVec); DBPrintf("This pgon[%d] consists of vertex[%d] which is globally [%d] \n", iPoly, iPVec, vecIdx); // 1. Seems to be returning the normal to this pgon by vertex which is good - // 2. unreliable if there is a hole in the poly - crashes archicad // 3. if I'm using the first vertex in each pgon its working? ModelerAPI::Vector nVec = poly.GetNormalVectorByVertex(1, ModelerAPI::CoordinateSystem::ElemLocal); DBPrintf("T[%2.1f %2.1f %2.1f] \n", nVec.x, nVec.y, nVec.z); } Int32 polvecCnt = body.GetPolygonVectorCount(); // Dunno what is this. ModelerAPI::Vector bodyVec; for (Int32 iVec = 1; iVec <= polvecCnt; iVec++) { body.GetVector(iVec, &bodyVec, ModelerAPI::CoordinateSystem::ElemLocal); DBPrintf("Body vector idx: %d [%2.1f %2.1f %2.1f] \n", iVec, bodyVec.x, bodyVec.y, bodyVec.z); } } } // Bodies ModelerAPI::Transformation tran = elem.GetElemLocalToWorldTransformation(); DBPrintf("TranMat\n[%2.1f][%2.1f][%2.1f]\n[%2.1f][%2.1f][%2.1f]\n[%2.1f][%2.1f][%2.1f]\n[%2.1f][%2.1f][%2.1f]\n", tran.matrix[0][0], tran.matrix[0][1], tran.matrix[0][2], tran.matrix[1][0], tran.matrix[1][1], tran.matrix[1][2], tran.matrix[2][0], tran.matrix[2][1], tran.matrix[2][2], tran.matrix[3][0], tran.matrix[3][1], tran.matrix[3][2]); } } else DBPrintf(ErrID_To_Name(err)); if (newSightPtr != nullptr) ACAPI_3D_DeleteSight(newSightPtr);This output was made for a simple, non-composit wall with 1m length 3m height and 3cm thickness placed in the origo.
Body vertex idx: 1 [1.0 0.3 0.0] These are all the vertices of the body Body vertex idx: 2 [1.0 0.0 0.0] Body vertex idx: 3 [0.0 0.0 0.0] Body vertex idx: 4 [0.0 0.3 0.0] Body vertex idx: 5 [1.0 0.3 3.0] Body vertex idx: 6 [0.0 0.3 3.0] Body vertex idx: 7 [1.0 0.0 3.0] Body vertex idx: 8 [0.0 0.0 3.0] These are all the edges of the body Body edge nr.:1 between vertices 1 - 2 Body edge nr.:1 between [1.0 0.3 0.0]-[1.0 0.0 0.0] Body edge nr.:1 related to polygons 3 - 1 Body edge nr.:2 between vertices 2 - 3 Body edge nr.:2 between [1.0 0.0 0.0]-[0.0 0.0 0.0] Body edge nr.:2 related to polygons 4 - 1 Body edge nr.:3 between vertices 4 - 3 Body edge nr.:3 between [0.0 0.3 0.0]-[0.0 0.0 0.0] Body edge nr.:3 related to polygons 1 - 5 Body edge nr.:4 between vertices 1 - 4 Body edge nr.:4 between [1.0 0.3 0.0]-[0.0 0.3 0.0] Body edge nr.:4 related to polygons 1 - 2 Body edge nr.:5 between vertices 5 - 1 Body edge nr.:5 between [1.0 0.3 3.0]-[1.0 0.3 0.0] Body edge nr.:5 related to polygons 3 - 2 Body edge nr.:6 between vertices 6 - 4 Body edge nr.:6 between [0.0 0.3 3.0]-[0.0 0.3 0.0] Body edge nr.:6 related to polygons 2 - 5 Body edge nr.:7 between vertices 5 - 6 Body edge nr.:7 between [1.0 0.3 3.0]-[0.0 0.3 3.0] Body edge nr.:7 related to polygons 2 - 6 Body edge nr.:8 between vertices 7 - 5 Body edge nr.:8 between [1.0 0.0 3.0]-[1.0 0.3 3.0] Body edge nr.:8 related to polygons 3 - 6 Body edge nr.:9 between vertices 2 - 7 Body edge nr.:9 between [1.0 0.0 0.0]-[1.0 0.0 3.0] Body edge nr.:9 related to polygons 3 - 4 Body edge nr.:10 between vertices 7 - 8 Body edge nr.:10 between [1.0 0.0 3.0]-[0.0 0.0 3.0] Body edge nr.:10 related to polygons 6 - 4 Body edge nr.:11 between vertices 3 - 8 Body edge nr.:11 between [0.0 0.0 0.0]-[0.0 0.0 3.0] Body edge nr.:11 related to polygons 4 - 5 Body edge nr.:12 between vertices 8 - 6 Body edge nr.:12 between [0.0 0.0 3.0]-[0.0 0.3 3.0] Body edge nr.:12 related to polygons 6 - 5 These are all the Polygons of the body Edges in this [1] pgon idx:-4 Edges in this [1] pgon idx:1 Edges in this [1] pgon idx:2 Edges in this [1] pgon idx:-3 NormalVector idx: 1 [0.0 0.0 -1.0] Edges in this [2] pgon idx:-7 Edges in this [2] pgon idx:5 Edges in this [2] pgon idx:4 Edges in this [2] pgon idx:-6 NormalVector idx: 2 [0.0 0.0 -1.0] Edges in this [3] pgon idx:-1 Edges in this [3] pgon idx:-5 Edges in this [3] pgon idx:-8 Edges in this [3] pgon idx:-9 NormalVector idx: 3 [0.0 0.0 1.0] Edges in this [4] pgon idx:-2 Edges in this [4] pgon idx:9 Edges in this [4] pgon idx:10 Edges in this [4] pgon idx:-11 NormalVector idx: 4 [0.0 -1.0 0.0] Edges in this [5] pgon idx:6 Edges in this [5] pgon idx:3 Edges in this [5] pgon idx:11 Edges in this [5] pgon idx:12 NormalVector idx: 5 [-1.0 0.0 0.0] Edges in this [6] pgon idx:-10 Edges in this [6] pgon idx:8 Edges in this [6] pgon idx:7 Edges in this [6] pgon idx:-12 NormalVector idx: 6 [-1.0 0.0 0.0]Here is an explanatory sketch:
2020-08-17 05:48 PM
2020-08-18 05:58 PM
2020-08-18 08:04 PM