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AC 10 window legend

Not applicable
I noticed that windows I have made
are not drawn in the AC 10 window legend.
The plan view shows an empty opening and
there is no elevation drawn at all.
Just as a test, I made a window in the plan
using slabs and saved it as a window.
I inserted an instance of this window in a wall
and then opened the window legend and nothing
showed not even a plan view empty opening.
I opened the library part and found that
it's subtype was window(wall).
Thinking that maybe this might be causing the problem
I changed the subtype to corner window like all of
the windows in the AC 10 library but this did not work.

Does anyone know how to get a window to be drawn
in plan view and elevation in the AC 10 window legend ?

Thank you,
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
I found the answer to my question.
If I select 200% zoom factor the legend
draws the plan symbol and the front elevation
of my window just like it draws them for AC windows.
Interestingly, if the 3D contour line pen is very dark
and thick the front elevation shows up at 100% zoom factor,
but if the 3D contour line pen is light blue and the pen weight
is 0.5 pt the window is not visible at 100% zoom.
Peter Devlin