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ArchiCAD 16 + Allplan2012 SmartParts?

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I note that Nemetschek's Allplan has a new scripted objects tool called Smart Parts, that uses GDL.

The big improvement I think is the way parameters can be manipulated visually on screen via 'manipulators' or 'handles'. Is this currently possible in AC15?

Also, what has become of the Systems Technology stuff that was announced with AC12?
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We've all been wondering what Nemetschek might bring to Archicad from its portfolio, but to date the most obvious and talked of is a commitment to IFCs.

Smartparts look like some sort of GDL editor interface - how much extra control vs what Archicad currently offers is unclear. Certainly 3d hotspots can be created in a part to offer such handles, however the big issue with Archicad is that is a script based environment - not graphical interface...so perhaps smartparts addresses this?

The other issue is that relationships can be built and made within the part but not between parts. Any new graphical environment really needs to offer its toolset to the whole model....
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maybe not what we hoped for...emphasis on the script rather than the hoped for alternative..

Custom SmartParts can be scripted by you in no time – with Allplan SmartPart Script. The easy-to-learn programming languages, as well as special help functions, make it possible to create SmartParts in 2D and 3D. Allplan also reliably protects your creative property against unwanted copying and usage by third parties with password protected scripts.
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Inter-object relationships: Interesting observation. But, I guess GDL objects like doors can be hosted in walls. This is admitedly a simple relationship?

Is there an API for System Technology? It seems like the CW object handles inter object relationships?

Intriguing that Allplan has chosen to continue with GDL as a language, which is based on the old BASIC language, and not develop something that is more modern like Python or Ruby etc.
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dseah wrote:
Intriguing that Allplan has chosen to continue with GDL as a language, which is based on the old BASIC language, and not develop something that is more modern like Python or Ruby etc.
Yes it is interesting, GDL is pretty powerful though for what is needed. However a more modern language might open the doors to some incredible things. Like what Sketchup is currently open to.
Interesting discussion.

GDL based on Basic is (as a programming language) really dated. The clever part is the included parametric geometric objects that GDL provides.

I might be more future proof to have such geometry objects into a more flexible language, e.g. Python or Ruby or Javascript.

There are several good scripting languages available in CAD software, but the most powerful ones are those that can talk to the geometric engine of the CAD system underneath (e.g. Grasshopper in Rhino).

As much as I love Processing, it is precisely the 3D geometric part that is missing. Libraries like iGeo and HeMesh do solve some things there.

Now imagine we get the power of the GDL geometric description in a more robust language AND with the possibility of extending this with custom geometric entities (NURBS anybody?).
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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Yes, the longeivity of GDL is intriguing. I wonder why it was used by Allplan. Is this an attempt to facilitate a wider object 'market' between AC and AP? It would make sense if smartparts made in AP can be downloaded and used in AC, and vice versa.

GDL's primitives remind me of GenerativeML, by Sven Havemann, which is a stack based language that can generate procedural forms using the GPU. It looks like GDL has to be very 'BASIC' to be fast enough.

The question is how something like Ruby/Python can be used in conjunction with GDL, w/o sacrificing too much?

One nice thing aboout smartparts is that it provides a mouse/screen based way of modifying the script's parameters. This gets past the 'design thru the dialog box' problem that GDL always had. I can see GDL becoming more worthwhile learning if AC adopted this as well.