Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

AutoCAD for Mac, iPad and iPhone

Eduardo Rolon
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

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My cents:

1. Nemetschek, as whole, in working really well. Maybe their strategy isn't the more obvious, and that's good. Don't expect them to act like Autodesk.

2. Maybe Graphisoft isn't performing as well as Nemetschek Vectorworks or Maxon Computer, so the money isn't in Graphisoft until a completely and profitable recovery, or until Nemetschek pay the acquisition costs. Is not wise to take money from others to invest in Graphisoft.

3. The idea of segmentation is what maintains Nemetschek fighting back. Is like "Guerrilla War". They already has common focus in some things: like supporting IFC. http://www.detail.de/artikel_vectorworks-software_25694_De.htm&rurl=translate.google.com.do&usg=ALkJ...

4. If they didn't know nothing about business, how this can happen:
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Hi mr gog

I am no business guru but my broken record comes from the fact that instinctively something seems very wrong with how Nemetschek is operating as a group. I am not alone (scroll down to the end of this review for example).
1. Nemetschek does not have to act like Autodesk or Microsoft or Goldman Sachs but whatever they do they should leverage the advantage of having a family of products under one roof - if not sell off the units for cash.
2. I actually like where GS is going - with the collaboration focus. At the end of the day my concern is not with GS, but with Nemetschek. A simple branding message about who their Architectural BIM, Structural BIM, CAD etc 'champions' are would go a long way. For the record I am fan of AC14.
3. Guerilla wars are usually fought by small ragtag bands of fighters to be effective against a larger more organised foe. Autodesk and Nemetschek are both 'big'. I am also a fan of Nemetschek Vectorworks (formerly Nemetschek North America). Sean Flaherty is doing great - running this individual unit ... but Nemetschek AG is what I am talking about.
4. Congratulations to NM AG on being the largest in Europe ... but where is the linear graph showing whether that share is increasing or decreasing. In the UK we can't turn sideways without hearing Revit buzz.

As Thomas pointed out NM AG's competence affects our businesses - right down to whether a door manufacturer will provide an AC object in addition to (the obvious) Revit family part.
The folks at NM know a lot more than we do so maybe there is reason (somewhere) to live in hope.
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Autodesk is by far bigger than the big Nemetschek AG. Only the installed AutoCAD user base is enough to surpass it. And I don't think that making and open front is what the group is seeking. It seems to me logical.

Revit Buzz doesn't imply Revit adoption. In my context not every user of Autodesk products is switching to Revit. They evaluate others proposals too. But my context isn't objective. The Buzz is here, also but no convincing enough. They don't offer nothing new to any Nemetschek products user.

Inside the Nemetschek group there are different solutions, and that's good. BIM approaches are different, ArchiCAD is object oriented (not a fan of that), or Vectorworks (Object and Free Modeling oriented, that I like most).

Sometime ago Archicad declared (some white paper) that it wanted to focus in large teams. Collaboration is a fundamental part. Teamwork is really good, and is the result. That's a good advancement.

I see Vectorworks with other focus, very well related with sister companies, and other kind of collaboration: http://www10.aeccafe.com/nbc/articles/view_weekly.php?articleid=848083

So I think maybe is a responsibility of Graphisoft to achieve that. Maybe, as a new brother, Graphisoft hasn't learned to act like a family.
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Mr. wrote:

Autodesk is by far bigger than the big Nemetschek AG ...
... So I think maybe is a responsibility of Graphisoft to achieve that. Maybe, as a new brother, Graphisoft hasn't learned to act like a family.
Actually when BIM mindshare really began to take off a few short years ago the revenues of Nemetschek and Autodesk's AEC division were comparable - somewhere around the $200M mark (apples for apples since Autodesk does film and a million other things). Since then, of its numerous software packages in numerous industries, Revit has been the fastest growing. I would still love to know whether NM's market share is growing or falling (not the stock price, since we are all bouncing back from last year's lows)
I would be surprised to find a business analyst arguing that Nemetschek is extracting full value from what it owns.
GS is great with collaboration - but it is the responsibility of the parent to raise their children to live together well as a family.

As you can see in my signature I was a vectorwoks user - for 14 years in fact - up to 2009. The reason I am here is that I am not convinced by their 'virtual building' credentials. As I have said elsewhere on these forums - I still love VW, I absolutely love working in 3D in VW and it is easily my favourite 2D tool ever ... but at the end of the day I am here and not there.
Flaherty and co are doing great things but in the big group picture it just doesn't make any sense to me. I spent my money elsewhere because I cannot wait for their CAD to mature into something else.
With no clear route within the group from VW to more robust BIM like AC many others are spending their money further afield
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Well we're in a mirror, that's why a visit this forum from time to time. Used ArchiCAD (until 12-13, and tested 14), along side Vectorworks. Did not liked de dependencies to Objects and GDL's. The lack of a really good modeling approach and the Idea of only use standardized elements, no terrain tools...

Right now I can achieve almost (to be conservative) everything I did in ArchiCAD, but with some many pluses in many areas, and only the lack of something like Teamwork 3 (but is new, and is Graphisoft approach), and some extraction capabilities (not insolvable) . I have made buildings with high level of complexity (complex modeling technics, with outstanding results, with quantities, tables, collaboration, and all the bells and whistles of the so called BIM or VB)... something that I can't evenly export to ArchiCAD without getting a triangulated odd thing...

I admire the quality of ArchiCAD users, and admire the way Graphisoft deal with some problems in their software. But is object based...

For Vectorworks (and has changed a lot from version 2009) the route is clear my friend, is a BIM application without limitations in modeling technics... something more "in tune" with architecture in general terms, a more industrial approach, a more constructive one. Inside the group that's their contribution. For ArchiCAD is Teamwork (for now).

But this is not the main theme... I think AutoCAD for MAC is late... and not offer nothing new... only for the switchers that are crazy for a MAC...

Confirming your point:
Autodesk: 1.7 billion (revenue year 2010) dollars (overall)
Nemetschek: 150 millions (aprox.) euros (overall)
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Well that's interesting, and I respect your decision
We should compare notes again the the future
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Mr Gog - Vectorworks 2011 - wow!
Now that Parallels is available for the iPad and iPhone, you can, technically, run just about anything on them.

See the video at http://venturebeat.com/2010/09/14/demo-parallels-mobile-virtualization-app-ipad-iphone/
= v i s t a s p =
bT Square Peg
| AC INT | Win11 | Ryzen 5700 | 32 GB | RTX 3050 |