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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

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About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

Chief Architect

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This topic began here:

Rashid Garuba wrote:
As an ex Archicad user ("x" primarily due to lack of ANY automation), I can tell you Chief Architect probably goes down this automation route more than any out there, for better or worse... Automatic footings, dormers, house wizard.. etc...

Let me apologize in advance for going a little off topic here, but I'm really interested in Rashid's experience with Chief Architect relative to ArchiCAD.

How long ago did you make the switch to chief Architect? Hmmm, I wonder if I need to look at it again? It seems to have many features I wish ArchiCAD had for residential work...I've been waiting and hoping for Graphisoft to add this level of specificity to their tools... I'm not sure I'll ever see it because its too "Residential" specific.

How effective have you found the automatic wall, floor and roof framing tools? Are they as automatic as they are promoted. I'm not sure how the floor and ceiling framing tools could be smart enough to determine their direction. ..and how about the trusses? Does it make Hip and Jack trusses?

How about the cost estimation functions. It seems like they at least have a basic residential database. Are the reports user friendly and are they easy to maintian/edit?

I like the detailed "builder specific" prompts in the various tool interfaces. Probably a little too detailed for typical architectural work but very much welcome for building professionals and/or contractors.

Looking forward to any comments you may have.

Dan K
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Rashid wrote:
This topic began here:
Thanks for moving the topic per Matthew's comment. Did you have any comments about my previous Chief Architect inquiries? Anyone else out there with Chief Architect experience who might have a comment or two?

Thanks Dan K
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I am barely a year in Chief Architect and as you know it's not a lot of time to become a "guru" if you will. Framing and materials lists are not required of me by my clients though that's likely due to cost some are unwilling to absorb and this maybe be a case on ignorance of the efficiencies Chief can introduce. Therefore I will work my way into these area in the future.

From what I have seen of demonstrations, the framing features in Chief are very good as long as initial setup is done correctly. Thereafter it is completely automatic. All framing elements are editable after auto-creation. Yes it creates Jack and hip trusses quite easily.

I said for better for worse in the other topic mainly as this automation in the wrong hands can create work that "looks" fantastic but may be not be 100% correct.. close to it but still...

You are probably better off joining the user group there and asking these question as there are some gifted users there that would love to speak their minds...

There is someone here I know that uses Archicad AND Chief Architect.. hope he chimes in as he has used Chief much longer than I.

Additionally I can physically send you some tutorials on framing and lists that would be very illuminating if you pm/e-mail me your address.
Rashid wrote:
There is someone here I know that uses Archicad AND Chief Architect.. hope he chimes in as he has used Chief much longer than I.
Nice to see you still hanging around here, Rashid!

Well, I don't know if I'm the one you're thinking about, but will be happy to add my thoughts. There was a thread awhile ago that had a few comparisons.

It's probably worth downloading the free demo version and spending some time with the program. In a nutshell, there's much in Chief that I wish AC had, and vice versa. And a few things in each program that makes me tear my hair out. I still feel more comfortable producing CD's in AC, but Chief V11 might change that. If your practice is primarily residential, it's definitely worth looking at.
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10
It is ironic but I started investigating once again the alternatives to Archicad for residential design - then I saw this topic.

I wonder if Rashid has evaluated Softplan which is another hot debate in itself? At first glance Softplan seems more professional.

Yesterday I saw a press release about Punch software making a new consumer home design software for the Mac. It has 75% of that market for the pc. The features seem more powerful than Archicad for $150. I'm sure there would be a lack of flexibility. I would love to see Rashid compare this to Chief.

I am starting to think that the emperor "Archicad" has no clothes and they hid behind the curtain of 'professional' software when these guys are doing amazing things for thoustands less...

It almost reminds me of the '80's when the 'cheap' japanese cars started coming to market and provided great silky engines and gear shifts with thoughful features like storage bin and cup holders. The big luxury guys lilke BMW and Mercedes were above such things being purist basic, but sturdy. It took a long time to realize that getting up to the japanese standards was not a bad thing. Now they have all those features but their unique sturdy image as well. Grahpisoft is one of those old stoic silent type companies. BMW and Mercedes seem much more friendly and emotional these days without losing thier soul.

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
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I looked at Softplan a few years and a few versions ago and at that time it was very "closed".. you depended on them to make symbols and it was very odd in operation.. A LOT has changed then so I don't know. It's discussion forum is closed to non users so not easy to get working info on it. I am not actively looking to change as so far Chief is the closest to ideal for my specialty.

Regarding Punch I have no clue.. This from the Chief Forum..

It does seem the natural path of businesses big or small is to get big company disease and a holier than thou attitude.. That said programming is hard..

Take care.
Thanks for that link Rashid. I will Punch Punch! off my list. Do you mind if I try to call you to talk about Chief. I am in the southeast and need a dedicated residential program for the bread and butter 'typical houses'.
Archicad is way to difficult to customize to understand the unique needs of residential, especially the traditional classical wood trim type houses that get built here on the east coast and southeast US.

Maybe I can use Archicad when I get that modernist commision!

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
It seems decent for creating mediocre renderings, but I'd be curious at how it is at creating construction documents. The couple of plans you can actually make out in their product tour look really amateurish.
Tom Waltz
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Generally Software that cheap bothers me... They have to eat right?? For the Hobbyists ok, but not for professional use. As a professional you either pay for proper software and training or pay in lost clients and productivity...

I don't mind a phone call... the later in the day the better.

Thanks, Rashid, for the input and conversation about Chief Architect. I did call sales and she said they would be redesigning the icon for v11 due out in July (great news!) I also read some of their forum posts and see many wish list items. So, this is a little scary knowing no software is perfect. Maybe the devil you know is better than the image of a beconing angel you don't know. Anyway, when I get Parallel and XP on my Mac I will give both Chief and Revit a try!

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air