I have a file that I received from a surveyor that was done in Autocad 2012. It contains 3D data, including a 3d surface. I have had other surveyors send me similar files also done in Autocad 2012 and have had no difficulty opening them. I lose the 3D data, but I can get all the 2D linework, which is all I really want. He has sent it to me without the 3D surface and back saved into older versions of Autocad and I cannot get it open. ArchiCad goes through the process of loading libraries and reading data and then it looks like its going to open it - Navigator and all my palettes show up - and then it just hangs. I have tried different options under the custom functions, open options in the translator. I have also tried merging, without success. I have tried both AC 14 and 15 (we don't have 16 yet). I'm trying to figure out either what I need to do to be able to import the file. Or what direction I can give to the surveyor about how he needs to export the file from autocad so that I can open it
If anyone knows what the solution is, or just other things to try, I would appreciate it