Since I migrated to OSX, I never used Max anymore, but I did use it quite a bit some years ago.
I remember following tips for getting clean ArchiCAD models into 3ds Max:
Construct the exported model according to materials. But do also check the two other options (write out texture information & object is group name) so the model has all ArchiCAD textures applied and groups are named by their material. Much easier to find everything back again.
I preferred to retain the texture information, as the positioning and scaling of the ArchiCAD textures is retained. You can then replace them with higher resolution texture maps and add bump maps and all other advanced material settings.
It is even better to prepare your ArchiCAD materials with low- or medium-resolution texture maps so they are scaled correctly.
I often had to weld vertices to avoid ugly seams when rendering.
You can try the old plugins from Marc Lorenz, still available on:
In 2004 I wrote a page about this in my old and deprecated website... It is still online:
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book