01:21 AM
- edited on
08:24 AM
Rubia Torres
The IFC file format is ISO-certified and it was developed by the BuildingSMART (formerly the IAI - the International Alliance for Interoperability). IFC is the only open and standard 3D object-oriented exchange format used by BIM (Building Information Modeling) and it is available free to all software vendors.
IFC provides 3D geometry representation for all project elements and stores standard and custom data about each element, such as materials, profiles, and functions. Applications used by the different disciplines can easily and quickly filter and identify the relevant, discipline-specific information from the IFC database.
The Model View Definition, MVD (or IFC View Definition) is a recommendation for which data and elements the IFC model should include, depending on the purpose of the model exchange. Model View Definitions are either defined within buildingSMART International or by other organizations and interest groups.
IFC data are managed according to the latest worldwide-certified IFC standard, IFC2x3 TC1 (Technical Corrigendum 1). Archicad supports the import and export of both IFC2x3 and IFC4 versions, following the Model View Definitions below:
IFC2x3 Schema
IFC4 Schema
All Model View Definitions can be extended by definitions which support additional exchange requirements:
Archicad supports all of these additional data types.
For more information, visit:
With the open IFC platform, Archicad can communicate with a wide range of structural, mechanical and energy analysis applications.
Check the following sites or ask your consultant about the IFC compatibility of any current application:
Each discipline is responsible for the creation and development of its own model. The "Reference Model" means that a discipline - for example the structural engineer - uses the architectural model as the initial basis for the structural model. While the structural model will be created as a standalone model, some initial design information will be taken over from the architectural model.
The modeling concepts of the two disciplines differ: for example, the architect designs a two-story column as a single, continuous column element in the architectural design. The structural engineer, on the other hand, cuts two separate structural column members and defines their final structural material and cross-section.
If such differences between the models (and the varying responsibilities of the two disciplines) are to be managed effectively, it is necessary that one discipline's model be locked for editing when viewed in another discipline's environment, yet its elements and data should still be accessible if needed. IFC fulfills this requirement too.
Archicad's IFC user interface has been based on this Reference Model Concept, as well as ease of use. IFC model elements inserted into the architectural model serve as protected reference elements, assigned to layers with different intersection priorities, but all of the associated data can be queried and are accessible. The elements themselves can be added to the architectural model: when you import a model into Archicad using IFC, the imported elements are automatically interpreted as native Archicad elements (Archicad Column, Beam, Slab, Wall, Stair, etc.). Thus, if needed, the imported elements can be edited immediately.
Archicad comes with numerous tools and an easy to use interface to support IFC-based collaboration among disciplines. The most important features are the following.
For more accurate model mapping, you can classify Archicad elements by their "IFC type". While each Archicad element type has a default counterpart in IFC (which is used if you use the "Automatic" option), you can assign any other IFC type to a particular element – for example, if you have used certain tools to model elements of a different type, such as using the Slab tool to model a ceiling, etc.
In collaborating with structural partners, the "Structural Function" classification can be added to the load-bearing building elements. It also lets you limit the exported IFC model to load-bearing elements only, thereby streamlining the collaboration process.
The "Position" classification lets you sending a model to a partner (e.g. energy analyzer) who is able to differentiate elements by their location (interior or exterior) in the building.
Classification Reference ( IfcClassificationReference ) can be used for the arrangement of IFC elements into categories. You can assign an Item Reference identifier, a classification Name attribute and some other optional parameters to all project elements (such as the building, the stories, the building elements, or the zones). For example, classify building elements by the U.S. GSA standard categories such as OmniClass, UniFormat, etc.
Use IFC Assignments (Groups, Zones, Actors and Space Occupants) to define the relationship between the different project elements. Each assignment type can have its own attributes and standard/custom IFC Properties.
Easy handling of IFC data can be done both on the element level (in Element Settings) and on the project level (in the IFC Manager), in Teamwork as well as solo projects. Since the IFC properties are native to Archicad, the following functions are available:
Archicad offers solutions for different workflows: reference model concept (Merge and Hotlink); open IFC as separate new project (Open); "compare and merge" of imported model versions (Detect IFC Model Changes); and filtered or entire model export (Save as).
Each solution supports all the IFC file versions: IFC, IFCXML and IFCZIP.
Predefined and customizable translators give user-friendly "one-click" IFC import/export and optimized data transfer with major (Tekla Structures, Revit applications, etc.) and local engineering softwares.
The entire current Archicad project, or just its filtered content, can be exported in IFC format. Filtration can be done by selection in the current project view, by visible layers, by building stories, by domain types (structural, HVAC or custom), by element types (e.g. columns, beams, etc.), etc. Use "simplified BREP" (boundary representation) geometry export to e.g. IFC viewers, resulting in an accurate geometric display of element intersections and solid operations, without including all element properties.
The IFC model obtained from another application is always transformed into native Archicad elements. At the same time, it is possible to use the imported elements as a reference, since they can be automatically placed onto their own, protected layers (which are locked to prevent editing). Since the incoming elements or modifications are converted into a native format, they become an active part of the architectural model, while retaining their properties (e.g. material, profile) assigned in e.g. the received structural model.
As part of an IFC model-based data exchange workflow, Archicad enables you to compare two subsequent versions of an IFC model, to insert and to list the detected changes into the current Archicad model (using Mark-Up tool).
Archicad provides three methods for importing an IFC model into it: Open, Merge, and Hotlink.
The Open command launches an IFC model as a separate Archicad file, independent of any other project currently open in Archicad. Archicad will transform the imported elements into corresponding Archicad elements, based on settings in the chosen IFC Translator for Import. This imported file (or a part of it) can be added later as a reference to the appropriate part of another Archicad project as a Hotlinked Module.
Available only in Floor Plan view. Inserts an IFC model in whole or
in part into a running Archicad project. Merge preserves your running project, without overwriting its data (this is the “Reference model” concept). However, even in this “Reference model”, the merged
elements are real Archicad elements based on the IFC-ARCHICAD mapping convention.
In the Merge process, Archicad automatically generates new IFC GlobalId (Archicad IFC ID) values for all imported elements to avoid overwriting the IFC GlobalIDs of the host project. For the purposes of listing and searching, the elements’ original GlobalId values are also retained, in the form of a parameter
called “External IFC ID”.
Place IFC files as hotlinks directly into the currently open Project as protected reference content. You can place this hotlink as many times as needed. Thus, in a project using repeated building blocks/parts, you do
not need to request a huge IFC file based on the entire project - a smaller IFC file that contains just the module is enough.
With the so-called "Detect IFC Model Changes" function, Archicad detects the differences between two IFC that reflect two different versions of a project model according to the elements' IFC global unique identifiers, and it finds the new, deleted and modified elements. The elements affected by the modifications are generated and merged into the currently running project (that project can also be an empty one). Modifications can be viewed and managed using Archicad's Mark-Up tool in both 2D and 3D views.
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) are the open and neutral data format for openBIM. Archicad supports the import and export of both IFC2x3 and IFC4 versions. IFC data are managed according to the latest worldwide-certified IFC standard, IFC2x3 TC1 (Technical Corrigendum 1).
Note: IFC2x3 is recommended - this is the most widely used version. Choose IFC4 for exporting, only if you are certain that it is supported by the application that will receive IFC data using this Translator.
You can place IFC files as hotlinks directly into the Archicad Project as protected reference content. See details on how to Hotlink IFC Files.
After exporting an IFC model, it is good practice to check the IFC model by reopening it in Archicad or opening it in an IFC viewer. There are many free IFC viewers on the market that can be readily downloaded, for example:
Additional information can be found at the following Wiki address: http://www.ifcwiki.org
A dedicated chapter (called Interoperability) of the Archicad Help gives a detailed description of the collaboration-related topics including the suggested and effective workflow between the architects and the structural/MEP/energy analysis engineers, the Archicad features that can be used to prepare a model for later data exchange, as well as the IFC-related concepts, skills and all functions.
More detailed information can be found in the IFC Reference Guide for Archicad 24 as well, available here.