ICS, the calendar file type?
Or did you mean IFC?
Are all the layer names odd? or if you scroll down do you find the ones you are looking for? Merging brings all the attributes of the merged file into the host file, and there may be layers attached to the merged one that you were not aware of.
Re the walls, when you merge files, the merged one takes on the story heights of the host file. If the story heights in the two files didn't match some walls, and other 3D elements, may now be on different stories than you expected. If you look at the file in the 3D window, are all the elements there? You will need to reassign the home stories of all these rogue elements.
You should also work with whomever gave you the file to get commonalities such as story heights worked out, especially if this is one of your consultants and this will continue throughout the project, and others that may follow.
If you are not overlaying the merged file model with an existing one, then instead of merging just open the IFC/ICS file as you would a pln file and then it will take on the file settings such as story heights.
Architect, Consultant
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"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"