Today, I have done a few attempts (convertion a stubborn 3D DWG model to ArchiCAD). I was hoping that Rhino would be a good intermediate, but I have little success.
DWG does not open in ArchiCAD.
DWG opens in Rhino. Save again as DWG. No success in ArchiCAD.
DWG in Rhino, saved as 3DS. Install plug-in for ArchiCAD. No success upon import (4kb GSM file). The 3DS looks fine in Rhino, SketchUp and Blender.
Last time I had success with these files, I had to go through Microstation (but I don't have it installed right now).
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book