..There are no direct hooks on the Mac for Filemaker/etc but there is an ODBC interface on Windows..
ODBC aside, you can export (publish) schedule data as CSV, Excel, etc files and link those into Filemaker or Access for further processing and cleaner output.
Hi Karl! good to hear from you.
I'm thinking, can i work on the list layout graphically inside filemaker, and then export the layout table as a text document (*.txt) to be used as AC list template file? because otherwise, i have to tweak the *.txt file manually from a text editor, which i don't have the proper knowledge of.
and will it be easier to do that in filemaker, instead of ms. access or editing it via text editor? i'd prefer the one with easier workflow and learning curve, because i can't afford the time to do that on a more complex tools, although it might be superior in functionality.
right now my priority is the AC list custom graphic template, the live connection can wait for a while,but it is next on the line. and i'm using windows, so that's okay i guess, i've seen the ODBC connection on my system