I am a heavy duty Cadimage Keynote user and have looked at Masterscript's you tube video. The label does offer a lot of options some of which might suit you. What is not clear is how it presents the keynote details on the layouts. Total Keynotes seems to list ALL notes or one has to manually select the applicable notes for each layout.
Cadimage Keynotes selects ONLY those notes that apply to the layout. Since layouts are often finalised created towards the end of a project when everything is being assembled, it is a huge advantage to know that only relevant notes appear on each drawing and that this does not have to be done manually. Builders hate irrelevant notes on drawings. If the job is very small it probably isn't an issue.
Cornelis (Kees) Wegman
cornelis wegman architects
AC 5 - 26 Dell XPS 8940 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD 2TB HD RTX 3070 GPU
Laptop: AC 24 - 26 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD RTX 3070 GPU