I would say there is no optimal setup per se, as the option to have different translators saved with different options set for several purposes states that there is no single universal setup; but I'll share some tips about the translators that I learned over the years and worked for me.
+ Define correct units
+ A CAD template file (used in the Save Options of the translator) will make things a lot easier. You can create it from one of your current exports or a clean one. Include hatches that you would like to translate in the template file, linetypes, colors, etc; so you can use them in the conversion tables
+ Prefer to select "place all drawings in a single file" rather than linked xrefs
+ The saving floor plan option will depend on how you or your consultants work. I used to mark one of the other three options (convert complex elements to blocks, convert objects to blocks or prepare for smart merge) but in the end found that it causes a lot of issues for consultants when they tried to edit or build upon because of block definitions, so is best to use the explode option for them to use as Xrefs.
+ Save zones as stamp and fill
+ The options for attributes will also depend on what you need, but with the template file you can use the conversion tables in the attributes options.
+ Cut, drafting and cover fills will be separated as per your layer methods settings.
+ The white hatch is probably the fill background (or select it and check the layer name in the cad export). Make sure to NOT use "Export fill backgrounds as additional solid hatches"
Basically... the more complete you have a cad template file, the more options and correct translation settings you'll have. Also... the help file has a very good description of each setting. Take a bit of time to read it and understand it; it will really make things easy.
Hope that helps.
Best regards.