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Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

.PLU Files

Not applicable
We are currently running Archicad 8.1 in our Architecture departments & Autocad 2006 in our Engineering Departments. When we receive drawings for our engineers, we request plt files (so that we don't have to mess with Autocad's pen maps). We recently started dealing w/ a consultant that works on Microstation, & he claims that he cannot give us .plt files only .plu files. Is this a file structure for Microstation only & can it be converted to Archicad?
Rodney wrote:
We are currently running Archicad 8.1 in our Architecture departments & Autocad 2006 in our Engineering Departments. When we receive drawings for our engineers, we request plt files (so that we don't have to mess with Autocad's pen maps). We recently started dealing w/ a consultant that works on Microstation, & he claims that he cannot give us .plt files only .plu files. Is this a file structure for Microstation only & can it be converted to Archicad?
mate - if you're running archiCAD and autocad in the same company you really should investigate the setting up of a proper AC<>ACAD translator. with the correct pens, fonts and layer mapping you can xref your engineers drawings straight into your archiCAD files (why aren't they using archiCAD or some dedicated 3D structural analysis software?!?!).

the same principles could then be used relatively easily with consultants files - get your microstation man to send you DWGs and map everything accordingly. no clean up, no messing - just straight xref-ing.

alternatively why not simply try opening his DGN and see what happens?

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