3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago by Barry Kelly
I've been working with different filter options for different tenants in an office building and now need to export an ifc with several tenants visible in the same 3d view/model. Is that possible?
Operating system used: Mac Intel-based
3 weeks ago
Sofia you can reset the renovation status for everything. Go to the Document> pull-down menu and go to Renovation>, at the bottom of that dropdown menu is Reset Renovation Status... There is a toggle to "Show All Elements on All Relevant Filters". Hopefully this will help you out.
3 weeks ago
Thank you Jeff for yor reply! Unfortunately I still want to keep my renovation filters because I want to hide/show them easily on different views in my project. Started to try and look into if I could solve it with some sort of graphic override but couldn't figure it out..
3 weeks ago
I would do a save as. Then reset all the renovation filters and then create the .ifc file. Your original file would not be affected. However good luck I hope you find a solution.
3 weeks ago
Thank you!! I'll do that until/if someone else comes up with a better solution.
3 weeks ago
Sofia, you could go through the process I suggested above. Then create a renovation filter labeled "All Tenants", save the file, and then export that Renovation Filter to a file location of your choosing, open your original .pln file and import the "All Tenants" renovation filter. It should then show the staus of All Tenants in that file. I've never done this before but it seems logical. Best of luck.
a week ago
You could make a separate archicad master model and place the different models with the needed renovation filter in this master model as a hotlinked module. But this requires to rebuild your model. Another option might be to use the design options for the tenants instead of the renovation filter? These can be toggled on or off when grouped properly.