Structural Analytical Model Workflow Improvements

Moaaz Hassan

As architectural designs continue to grow in complexity, the structural analytical model follows the same growth and ends up becoming more complex as well. With our latest update, the creation of a continuous analytical model of higher complexity design is much easier. This article will demonstrate the productivity improvement in the structural analytical model workflow and how it streamlines both the design and the coordination process for structural engineers.


Streamlined Load Input and Edit


Archicad’s placing and editing loads processes have become more streamlined. Now, when you place a line load, you have the option to choose between associating the line load with member edges or simply placing them on the edges.




If your line or surface loads are “not associated”, you also have the option to place them anywhere on the element surface.



Finally, you can display the overhanging parts of loads for an accurate representation of their placement in accordance with any changes made to the analysis model.




Manual Adjustment of the Structural Analytical Model


After setting up the Generation rules for larger and more complex models, the generated analytical model can present continuity issues. To address this challenge, Archicad 27 introduces a new improvement that lets structural engineers fine-tune connections through Manual Adjustments. This also complements pre-existing adjustment rules, thereby granting structural engineers greater precision and control and control over connections between structural elements. The new Manual Adjustment includes the following:


  • Stretch Member length


  • Stretch curved Member (Beam)


  • Offset Member node


  • Offset Member edge


  • Revert Manual Adjustment


If you need feedback on which members were adjusted manually, simply check the tool settings or use Graphic Overrides to highlight them.


Detailed Structural Change List in Model Compare


Model Compare is a crucial project management and quality-checking tool for multidisciplinary design teams. With recent improvements, especially in comparing physical models with structural analytical models that carry new changes, Model Compare now offers a detailed list that highlights changes between two models. This list specifies which parameters were altered and, where applicable, includes their values.




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