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Moaaz Hassan
since ‎2022-03-30

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  • 6 Posts
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Streamlined Load Input and EditManual Adjustment of the Structural Analytical ModelDetailed Structural Change List in Model Compare As architectural designs continue to grow in complexity, the structural analytical model follows the same growth and e...
Definições Detalhadas do Tradutor do SAF Atualmente, os engenheiros estruturais podem criar e ajustar modelos analíticos estruturais no Archicad e eventualmente exportá-los para o software de análise estrutural através de tradutores SAF. Entretanto, ...
A exportação freqüente de arquivos do SAF para a FRILO pode ser demorada Os engenheiros estruturais que usam o FRILO estão gastando bastante tempo exportando arquivos SAF selecionando um local para salvar e definindo o caminho para exportação a cada ...
Frequently exporting SAF files to FRILO can be time consuming Structural engineers who use FRILO are currently spending quite some time exporting SAF files by selecting a save location and setting the path for export each time, which interrupts the w...
Adjusting SAF Translator settings Currently, structural engineers can create and adjust structural analytical models in Archicad and eventually export them to the structural analysis software via SAF translators. However, in earlier versions of Archi...