2008-09-20 12:25 PM
2008-09-20 12:25 PM
2008-09-20 01:05 PM
2008-09-21 01:23 AM
2008-09-21 01:47 AM
2008-09-21 02:11 AM
Karl wrote:I see them all here on the INT version.
Can somebody who does NOT have the US version confirm if they see the missing controls in Kliment's screenshot?
2008-09-22 10:49 AM
2008-09-22 06:44 PM
2008-09-22 08:58 PM
kliment wrote:But Kliment, this difference from plan behavior - no explode when Saving DWG from Section - was the same in AC11. So this doesn't mean that DWG export in AC12 is more f*d up in 12 than in 11.
Everything is fine if you save as dwg from plan. The fun starts when you try to save it in Secton - then these settings are missing!