karl i am not using components. just schedules. not doing in depth parts just the surface of the wall for siding it was real easy before i started using complex walls.
no it is not a metric thing, if i have a 40'x 10' wall it may cal it @ 1582 sq ft of surface on the reference line side of the wall, fairly easy to see that is not correct.
I really don't' know what it is calculating.
It would nice if you could identify the surface you wanted to put in the schedule, ie core surface, waincote surface subsiding surface and so on
I have a feeling that it is calculating the surface of every i have on the wall and all edges and the back side of each of the surfaces. (i have 7/16" wafer sheathing, 7/16" siding, and core of the frame wall 2x6 or 2x4.