Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

exporting 3D information

Not applicable
Trying to export a mesh (modelled site). What is the best way to go about this so that a Vectorworks or Autocad user can import the file complete with the 3D info? I have tried converting into DWG file but just ends up exploding into a bunch of lines.
David Larrew
Are you exporting from the 3D window?
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
Not applicable
tried that but no luck.........
from the 3D window...

Save As...>choose DXF from the file types instead of DWG?

you could try a few of the others: 3DS is one that immediately springs to mind.

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