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Every Pen Set Ever Used Loads Automatically Every Time

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It seems that Every Pen Set Ever Used Loads Automatically Every Time regardless of what project I open, or if I delete them. It is pretty messy. I've tried to delete them through the "Pens and Colors" dialogue, as well as the Attribute Manager, thinking that the .aat would be the one referenced each time I open. One thing I can think of is that I do change the title of my project periodically...but I would think that each iteration would refer to the most recent .aat, rather than revert to some previous version. What do you think?
Not applicable
I've also experienced some frustration here.

I tried paring down our pensets in our office Template file, and found AC10 renames some sets, and then will not import/merge some sets.

Compounding the problem that the penset index # is what actually dictates the set not the name, it's hard to actually update the pensets from an outside "standardized" source.

But that's not why i'm visiting the forum.....
Not applicable
I've also experienced some frustration here.

I tried paring down our pensets in our office Template file, and found AC10 renames some sets, and then will not import/merge some sets.

Compounding the problem that the penset index # is what actually dictates the set not the name, it's hard to actually update the pensets from an outside "standardized" source.

But that's not why i'm visiting the forum.....
Not applicable
I've also experienced some frustration here.

I tried paring down our pensets in our office Template file, and found AC10 renames some sets, and then will not import/merge some sets.

Compounding the problem that the penset index # is what actually dictates the set not the name, it's hard to actually update the pensets from an outside "standardized" source.

But that's not why i'm visiting the forum.....