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Rectangle around text in view tags when using publisher

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Hello, I am having an issue with making pdfs from the publisher in AC11. There are rectangles around the text in the view tags. When i save a pdf out of the program, the tags are fine. When I save pdfs using the publisher, i get the rectangles around the text. I have attached an image of this.
Any Ideas?

Box around text in View tags.jpg
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They are showing that there is a link to the detail (click within the rectangle and you are taken to the relevant drawing). Do the rectangles print? I can't remember.
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They only print when i make a pdf using the publisher. Sorry i should have mentioned that the image, showing the rectangles, is from the pdf, not archicad. The rectangles do not show up in archicad.
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No, they are not in Archicad, but in the PDF file, and are hyperlinks to the relevant detail / section etc. I seem to recall they troubled me for a while some time ago, but haven't seen them for a while. I see you are on AC11. What hotfix do you have installed?
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Ahh that is actually a really cool feature, now if only they didn't print!
My archicad version is 11.001. I checked for updates from the help menu and it is telling me that my library and the program are all up to date. do you think it has anything to do with Adobe Acrobat?