Does anyone know of a way to show the skin list in a label without the thicknesses of the skins? Seems like this would be a good option to have.
I had a great question on the blog about this today. Here's the question:
"Is there a way to suppress thickness from displaying on the “show skin list” setting? For example, consider the following Building Material:
ID: 06-01
Description: 2x WOOD FRAMING
The Composite / Profile / Material leader will display the material of 3 1/2″ WOOD FRAMING, which is desirable.
While the ID of Building Material displays as 3 1/2″ 06-01 instead of just 06-01.
I have created a Building Material Legend which will display the ID, NAME & DESCRIPTION under the headings of KEYNOTE, BRIEF NOTE & FULL DESCRIPTION. The thickness is suppressed In the instance of the schedule.
The goal was to have a keynote for exterior wall elevations, a brief note for wall sections and a full description for enlarged details.
(from here: