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Trace reference color

Not applicable
I'm not sure if AC11s new trace tool can do this and this might be a Wish item but does anyone know if you can assign a specific pen color to a trace reference. What i mean is we might have a drawing we are referencing in to check structural and another for site work. The structural we might want as a Red color and the Site as a Green. When you set the color it seems to be universal for all traces so when I switch from one to another we have to manually change it. Not that it is a big deal just might be nice if it can be done. Thanks for the help!!
Landry wrote:
When you set the color it seems to be universal for all traces so when I switch from one to another we have to manually change it. Not that it is a big deal just might be nice if it can be done. Thanks for the help!!
it's not universal - it's by window type: thus all layout windows share the same ghost colour, all sections windows share the same ghost colour, etc . . .

no way to lock a colour to one specific reference . . . yet.

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