Before I make suggestions could you post some step by step details on what you did. For example is the problem in the model view or on the layout book, and what is happening in each of the project map, view map windows? Problem everywhere? Did the problem oocur before you relabeled the elevation, and how did you acces the old elevation title; through the layout book and using "modify source view settings" or in the view map? etc.
As I checked my own elevation markers, I could copy/rotate in either manual or auto rebuild and the copied marker showed the correct model view. I sympathize with your [censored] commentary, I have been there before and will be again I'm sure, but could you give a hint of what the verb/action is that you want to take but can't?
Another guess: Reinstall your ac-12 and hot fixes. Your data files will not be affected by this.
BUT First!:
Check your HD: Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Disk Cleanup to make sure there are no defective sectors (laptop got bumped, extra-dimensional gremlins, etc). Unfortunately this can take 30/60 mins. While you're at such a time waster run disk defrag overnight, never hurts, may help.
The reason I keep suggesting hardware stuff is that random output is just not normal (duh!). Can one assume your AC-12 has been in use on other projects and this was not a problem? If problem is on previously stable AC-12, then cosmic evil has taken residence on your machine, it didn't come through AC-12, the hardware and internet viruses are logical candidates.
All the best,
PS WAY Off subject: virus=Latin singular for poison, viruses=plural,
viri=latin plural for men, vir=man.