I want lock the name I have assigned to a favourite into its element ID. For example. I make two favourites in this order.
Slab tool: 1mm thick made of dpm and assigned characteristics including' label as ID'. It is given ID 'dpm'. Saved in slab favs as 'dpm'
Slab tool: composite of screed, insul, insitu conc etc, assigned characteristics including' label as ID'. It is given ID 'insulfloor' Saved in slab favs as 'insulfloor' .
Now if I go back and select the dpm fav, its ID will have changed to 'insulfloor'. If I correct this ID to 'dpm', then select the 'insulfloor' fav - its ID has changed to dpm.
I want the fav name and its element ID to be the same and remain the same. In this way I can incorporate the ID option when setting the labeling characteristics of a favourite and hopefully when I label all instances of the dpm favourite on a drawing, the label will read 'dpm' and all instances of insulated floor will read 'insulfoor'. These short labels are then headings in the specification. (Brief aside. It would be great if these labels were hot and could be clicked to bring up editable text boxes to contain the spec)