2 weeks ago
I am getting acquainted with GDL programming, but unfortunately the limited documentation makes my job quite difficult.
My question is whether it is possible to write the area of a fill created with the POLY2_B command onto the fill. If so, how can I solve this. I am thinking of something like when I create a fill on the plan and turn on the display of the area. This question has also arisen in the case of a slab element.
Can you recommend some description that can help me learn it? I am familiar with the official documentation of Graphisoft and the GDL cook book, as well as the Barking Dog BIM youtube channel. These are very useful, but there may be other things that are worth getting to know.
Thank you in advance for your help.
2 weeks ago
You should do the math yourself inside your GDL code.
Calculate the area of your polygon using points you fill to a poly2_b() function. Then you can either display your polygon area within your GDL object using TEXT2() or you can store it to an object's parameter and display it with a label.
I think that there is even an existing gdl object (sth like polyarea) lying around the forum somewhere that does exactly what you describe (editable and filled polyline with area display).
2 weeks ago
See this topic:
2 weeks ago
This is wonderful, but what if the infill (slab) doesn't just have straight sides?