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ArchiCAD Spring Academy 2010

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Hi Folks,

I'd like to remember that the ArchiCAD Spring Academy will take place in Pula, Croatia on 14-15 May 2010.
It will surely have great Lecturers, but I'd like to call attention to Raoul Cenan and his impressive TOOTH object.
In a time when every AC user talks about free form modeling inside AC I'm sure it will give lots and lots of interesting new ideas.
Hi Paulo and everyone who was at the ArchiCAD Spring Academy !

May i ask what's have been said /shown there about ArchiCAD ?!
Is the "tooth object" available somewhere ? what about Archiurban ?
AC12_27 |Win11_64bit|
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Well remembered TMA.

Unfortunately I didn't participate. It would be really nice to hear some good news. Anyone?... Anyone?...

From what I can see at the facebook site here it was quite refreshing. Specially from this pic.
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And this one too.
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And this one.
Thanks Paulo!

I've already visited the facebook page ...but except images there are no additional informations...

BTW, I'd be intrested to know if the slide ' ArchiCAD in the future' related to ArchiCAD or an object...
AC12_27 |Win11_64bit|
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Hello everybody,

Here's a short report from Pula (ArchiCAD Spring Academy 2010). I am the leader of the team who organised the event so if you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

The whole event went even better than we had hoped for. Nice weather, excellent lectures and the whole community gathering atmosphere between delegates was great. It was more like a friends/colleagues reunion than an official conference.

Lectures were great, especially 3LHD's. Although they come from Croatia and have won numerous international awards (World Architecture Festival, Architectural Review etc), I am not sure that they are well known outside the region. So, whey they showed their projects, delegates were left with their mouths open. Literally.

After 3LHD, it was time for Ivan Jovanovic of BDSP with "Preliminary energy analysis" and this was a perfect example how a good presenter can make a boring subject very interesting. If you have the opportunity, go and see Ivan in action, it is well worth it.

Raoul Cenan did his TOOTH thing impressively. I had no clue that kind of things can be done in ArchiCAD. We had a few GDL experts in the audience and all of them said the same thing: they were thinking about the idea in the past, but Raoul is the first person that really did it.

Artlantis was done by Csanad Meszes from Abvent: a collection of useful tips & tricks. Nicely done.

ArchiUrban was done by the two product designers: Ivan Peric and Srdjan Redzic. Nice presentation of an urban design add-on for ArchiCAD. I hope to see it developed even more in the future so it can really become a proper design tool.

Andreas Lettner from Innsbruck did a great combination of project presentatio, technical details and ArchiCAD use on those projects. Since he is doing most of his project out of prefabricated wooden panels, you can imagine that ArchiCAD was used in a bit different way than usual. Very, very interesting!

David Lozej from Ljubljana did a nice overview of ArchiCAD history since ArchiCAD 3.3 - the 1st version he used. He was the 1st ArchiCAD user on the territory of former Yugoslavia and definitely a person to ask about ArchiCAD. Seeing old dialog boxes and settings panels really brought back memories... although some of them are less than 10 years old. It seems like it was decades ago.

Miklos Szovenyi-Lux did something that Graphisoft never ever did before: they shared their vision and strategy for the next few years. A big big big THANK YOU to Miklos for doing this! Really an eye-opener for everyone there and you should be sorry for missing this. We hope to have Miklos again next year so this would be a great opportunity for all of you who weren't there to come and check it out.

Andreas then did ArchiCAD-Cinema 4D combo: a good presentation of the practically unlimited possibilities of using AC and C4D together. Great stuff.

Fabrizio Diodati of Cigraph did a fantastic presentation/workshop for ArchiForma. Since we had 2 lectures before about freeform modeling, this was a perfect addition to that topic. Again: great stuff.

Finally, I did ArchiCAD 14 presentation with some help from Miklos (he answered most of the nasty questions from delegates). As it was on such a short notice (we got the RC version just 2 days before the academy), there was not enough time to prepare a full size presentation, but this was still a good overview of new features in AC14.

To make things interesting, in the 2 days that followed the ArchiCAD Spring Academy, the delegates who stayed in Pula for a short holiday enjoyed sightseeing of the ancient city of Pula and a day trip to northern Istria visiting old cities (Groznjan, Momjan and Motovun). Fantastic trip, definitely worth doing. And, the food was excellent, too.

In general we, as organisers, are very happy in the way the whole event went. The best proof was that we didn't have to "force" the delegates to go to lectures: after the breaks they were hungry for more. Perfect.

To conclude all of this, I would like to announce that there will be another ArchiCAD Spring Academy next year! Scheduled dates are 13-14 May 2011 and the venue is the same. All informations will be available on the official web site and Facebook page. Book your airplane tickets, the event will be even better than this year!
MBPro Retina 2.7i7/16GB/SSD
AC ...20/21
Not applicable

what about Archiurban ?[/quote wrote:

The complete ArchiURBAN installation is prepared for download here and includes:

Add-on installation
Instruction: Step by step
Start file - Pln file with the initial learning file.

ArchiURBAN is the add-on for ArchiCAD 13 and SE 2010 and could be used on WIN platforms: XP and Windows 7.

ArchiURBAN starts with password generated by hiCAD according to your WIBU key.
write to
Thanks Racic and Hajzla for taking time to answer !

first of all, I'm Happy to hear that everything went Ok with the event , this does mean Archicad is always in a good health 😉. and the event was worthwhile. congratulations

To Racic :

- Intresting report (even if we are starving for more infos about what Miklos Szovenyi-Lux said about the future of archicad 😉...please )
- Will the tooth object be available for download ..Demo ?
- the C4d - AC combo presentation was about rendering or bringing models ? any tips about how to handle geometries between the two softwares ( as generally afaik, c4d geometries are heavy for archicad to handle ...:too many polygons).

to Hajzla
1- there are no link for downloding the add-on
2- are there plans for demo /student version of the Add-on

thanks again.
AC12_27 |Win11_64bit|
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
TMA_80 wrote:
- Intresting report (even if we are starving for more infos about what Miklos Szovenyi-Lux said about the future of archicad 😉...please )
- Will the tooth object be available for download ..Demo ?
- the C4d - AC combo presentation was about rendering or bringing models ? any tips about how to handle geometries between the two softwares ( as generally afaik, c4d geometries are heavy for archicad to handle ...:too many polygons).
Well, we were also very surprised that Graphisoft decided to share that kind of informations with us. Too many things to write down now, but let's just say the future is bright!

Tooth - Raoul still hadn't finished it. I'll let him know about this topic because I think it would be most appropriate if he would answer directly.

C4D - it was about modeling. How to extend the modeling options in ArchiCAD using C4D. Andreas did show a few tips how to have the roundtrip really working and also how to maintain low-poly count.

BTW, check out the photo gallery at
MBPro Retina 2.7i7/16GB/SSD
AC ...20/21
Not applicable
The event was great and of course meeting many familiar faces was a bonus. Nice weather and some rain...., and thank Mairn for the excellent lectures and agree that the community gathering atmosphere between delegates was great.

I never heard of 3LHD but really appreciated their presentation of their fine work. Not surprised that they won many awards.

Ivan Jovanovic who we met up with on the plane from Stansted had an interesting view on "Preliminary energy analysis". He did a great job and gave me a much needed gentle push to come to grips with using the ArchiCad model for energy analyses. Sofar I left it to M&E consultants but in these troublesome economic times, in particular in Ireland, this would be a way to increase our effective income. Thanks Ivan!

Raoul Cenan did his TOOTH presentation impressively indeed. I was one the GDL people who had started on this but felt at some stage that this could be better done in another software and imported. But he showed that being able to manipulate a freeform object within Archicad is a genuine option. He persisted and I appreciate his effort over the past TEN years!!! If that is not persistence.... Thanks Raoul!

Artlantis was done by Csanad Meszes from Abvent: a collection of useful tips & tricks. A bit different and more practical presentation than I am used to, interesting for both beginners and advanced users. Well done!

ArchiUrban was done by the two product designers: Ivan Peric and Srdjan Redzic. A great tool that still has it flaws. Its strength is visual presentation of blocks with different use in colour coding. This at the same time showed it's flaw, mixed use which is the case in most commercial building nowadays only showed up in the colour of the predominant use. This really should show the colours of all uses. This can be done in many different ways and needs some attention in my opinion. Thanks Ivan and Srdjan, keep up the good work!

Andreas Lettner from Innsbruck did a great combination of project presentations, technical details and ArchiCAD use on those projects. He is a natural presenter that your want to listen to, whether you always agree with him or not, he has always something interesting to say. His work is always interesting and the solid panels are not a bad idea at all but the onus it's puts on the designer to get all services in without destroying the panels afterwards is a huge drain on fees. Also trying to keep clients from not changing their mind during the construction process is a nightmare. Thanks Andreas for another great presentation.

David Lozej from Ljubljana did a nice overview of ArchiCAD history since ArchiCAD 3.3 - the 1st version he used. It brought horror back to memory but it showed up how much Archicad really has progressed. Something we might forget when we complain about some features. Yes over ten years of development is a long time.. It was fun to see this all pass by again.. Thanks David.

Miklos Szovenyi-Lux almost shocked me with sharing Graphisofts vision and strategy for the next few years. Shocked yes, but pleasantly! Something that missed from any presentation by Graphisoft before, and I have frequented very many presentations! This is what we users need, reasons to believe and stay loyal to the software that we use every day. We can live with flaws if we know that they will be addressed, and truly they are.

Andreas then did ArchiCAD-Cinema 4D combo as always reliable and interesting, although some more tips and tricks would be great with real examples.

Fabrizio Diodati of Cigraph did a superb presentation, really showing what Archiforma can do that we thought was not possible, with real life examples, amazing... dolphins??? . It truly is an Archicad free form object as well!!!! It made not think twice about updating my Archiforma, I want it!! Thanks Fabricio, your best presentation ever!

Marin did a presentation about ArchiCAD 14 with some help from Miklos (he answered most of the nasty questions from delegates). The fact that two days since receiving the software was not much time for Marin to prepare his presentation is by far compensated by the presentation from Miklos earlier and his honest replies to any queries. He did not shy away from sharing the the Graphisoft intentions with us! We know some features take time. Even re writing much of the 9 miliion lines of code in compliance with updated computer specifications... yeeeeh 64 bit is coming to Macs!!!! Thanks Marin and Miklos, you made my day!

Next day after the Spring Academy we planned to go sailing but the weather was not ideal, mixed sun, downpours and gusty. Marin devised another plan, we visited ancient cities on hill tops between vineyards and endless valleys. Towns dating back as far as 1100AD, with in many places mixed Roman remains. Many of the footpaths were of Roman slabs, probably "stolen" from ancient Roman settlements. Roman history is everywhere you look. No escaping, together with a mixture of Venetian and Habsburger styles, narrow winding streets, lots of steps to get to the top, no cars, picturesque little squares, impressive gate buildings and even more impressive walling around the old centres. Simply stunning. We visited Groznjan, Momjan and Motovun. Thanks Marin for showing us a bit more of Istria, a place where I want to come back to. I already have pencilled in the 13th and 14th of May 2011!

Finally Marin, thank you for telling me so much about Istria and sending me enticing pictures of glasses pivo on tables with nice views behind it. It loured me to Croatia on top of the content you presented in your program. I am glad I came and I can speak for my wife Marjolijn, she also loved it. Thanks for organising this great and memorable event!!
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Daniel wrote:
Miklos Szovenyi-Lux almost shocked me with sharing Graphisofts vision and strategy for the next few years. Shocked yes, but pleasantly! Something that missed from any presentation by Graphisoft before, and I have frequented very many presentations! This is what we users need, reasons to believe and stay loyal to the software that we use every day. We can live with flaws if we know that they will be addressed, and truly they are .
Huh? Why has no one picked up on this statement? There were reams of posts moaning about why ArchiCAD is not going anywhere, and why don't the developers talk about their future plans! This is big news!!

So come on Daniel, you have to spill some of the beans! Give us a clue about what exciting things are in the works, and more importantly, when might we see them!!
Dennis Lee
I read this thread w/ interest too, but didn't really have any hope of finding out details of this "future vision" - because I guess I am used to the strict secrecy policy of any future versions / vision of GS. I'd like to be proven wrong though!
ArchiCAD 25 & 24 USA
Windows 10 x64
Since ArchiCAD 9
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Peter wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Miklos Szovenyi-Lux almost shocked me with sharing Graphisoft's vision and strategy for the next few years. Shocked yes, but pleasantly! Something that missed from any presentation by Graphisoft before, and I have frequented very many presentations! This is what we users need, reasons to believe and stay loyal to the software that we use every day. We can live with flaws if we know that they will be addressed, and truly they are .
Huh? Why has no one picked up on this statement? There were reams of posts moaning about why ArchiCAD is not going anywhere, and why don't the developers talk about their future plans! This is big news!!

So come on Daniel, you have to spill some of the beans! Give us a clue about what exciting things are in the works, and more importantly, when might we see them!!

We as delegates to the conference have been asked by Miklos to keep the information to ourselves, publishing this information by anybody other than Graphisoft could result in misrepresentation if the information conveyed by us is not 100% correct. Once the information is out there on a forum like this it starts to live a life of its own. I totally agree with comments about there should be more openness in particular in dedicated forums like this, but this has to come directly from Graphisoft. In the meanwhile it does prove that going to events like this does pay off, best ever Graphisoft presentation and Graphisoft even paid for our last group dinner including lovely Croatian wine. How about that!!!
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Hi Folks,

Thank you Marin and Daniel for your reports. I wish I could see something like this from Mr. Miklos Szovenyi-Lux.
Daniel wrote:
... Graphisoft even paid for our last group dinner including lovely Croatian wine. How about that!!!
How many bottles Daniel?... Just to give a scale to your enthusiasm.


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Braza wrote:
Hi Folks,

Thank you Marin and Daniel for your reports. I wish I could see something like this from Mr. Miklos Szovenyi-Lux.
Daniel wrote:
... Graphisoft even paid for our last group dinner including lovely Croatian wine. How about that!!!
How many bottles Daniel?... Just to give a scale to your enthusiasm.


Nobody counted but plenty of bottles passed the table. Miklos did not count either, he just wanted to treat us dedicated users by surprise as only when the bill came this was arrested by Miklos. As if he did not surprise us enough already, this polished it off. I hope that this becomes a policy by Graphisoft, keep your users informed and treat them well! In my opinion Miklos has paved the way.....
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Hi Daniel,

I guessed that was the reason why you hadn't elaborated further!

Thank you both for the write-up anyway, it was very interesting to read and it's good to hear they treated you well!
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Hi Peter and the rest,

We have the dates for the next ArchiCAD Spring Academy: 13-14 May 2011. Please write it down in you agendas and make sure to register when more informations are published.
MBPro Retina 2.7i7/16GB/SSD
AC ...20/21
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Archiurban is made by hiCAD, Novi Sad

You can download the AC13 add on ArchiUrban 1.26 here:

1st you have to register before you can download