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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Graphisoft Technology Preview Program 2024

Advocates for OpenBIM - Support for IDS

Zoltan Vale

Have you ever worked with IFC based exchange requirements coming through extremely confusing large spreadsheets and pdf-s? Now, the official buildingSMART standard IDS is here to fix this issue:


To keep our flagship status when operating in open standard based workflows we have added a functionality into Archicad 28 which can automatically create project data based in this new IDS format. Simply import an IDS and see all referenced properties, classifications created in your Archicad project ready to be used. Furthermore the import creates an IFC mapping preset so you IFC based deliverables are already conforming to the exchange requirements.

Related article:

Please do check our this feature if you are into IFC based workflows or already have some IDS requirements available to you. Feel free to let us know of any issues and suggestions. Let's get the discussion going.

Zoltán Válé
GRAPHISOFT Product Manager

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