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License Delivery maintenance is expected to occur on Saturday, October 19, between 4 and 6 PM CEST. This may cause a short 60-minute outage in which license-related tasks: license key upload, download, update, SSA validation, access to the license pool may not function properly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Graphisoft Technology Preview Program 2024

Global Library

Magdolna Marosvari

Dear Technology Preview Community,


We are pleased to let you know that the Archicad Library went through a technology change that has the following benefits:


Content expansion

Until now, each Archicad language version (INT, USA, GER, JPN, etc.) had its own library collection. With the Global Library, all library content will be available in all Archicad language versions.

Cross-border collaboration

Regardless of which Archicad language version is used, the template will define the default language and standards (default sizes, attributes, surfaces, pens) of the library parts you are about to place.

Easier plan migration at future version updates

Until now, each Archicad version (…25, 26, 27) had its own library. To use the new Archicad version, users had to migrate the library objects of their existing projects to the new Archicad library.

The Global Library is compatible with all upcoming Archicad versions. Plus, when new library content is released, users can simply add any new Library Package to an existing project without having to go through a migration."

Faster delivery

The lighter delivery infrastructure allows Graphisoft to deliver library content faster and in greater quantities than before.



We recommend you to start using the Global Library when you completed your ongoing projects and you are about to start a new one, because the current Monolith Library and the new Global Library does not work together in the same project. Until then you can still update to Archicad 28 and keep using the current Monolith Library.

Archicad 28 comes with the Global Library by default, if you prefer keep using the current Monolith Library you just have to unload it and load your current Archicad version's library and template.

You can choose at each project start which library type you prefer to use, the Monolith or the Global one. 


Further fine tuning of the Global Library is on the way in upcoming Archicad 28 updates, but we are hoping that many of you will already be able to benefit from it in its current state.


For more detail, please read the release note attached below.


We are looking forward to your much valued feedback.


Thank you,




@Francois_MCD wrote:

So we have to pick a 28 or pre-28 "lane" for our projects and STICK to it & face the consequence.

- This also means we have to run totally separate! but parallel workflows & templates from here on to handle our projects across stages & time, correct?

  because having projects in several different versions is a long standing reality.

Yes, you will need a new 28 template to use the new Global libraries.

Old files can be opened and used in 28, but keep using the old library and do not install the Global libraries (unless you reall do want a mixture of parts.

So effectively you are working on the 27 file as it is, you just happen to open it in 28.

You can of course keep working on it in 27 as well.



@Francois_MCD wrote:

- This also means that those of us from the perpetual license era, will have to be set up with both perpetual & subscription licenses for effective systems across these versions of Archicad, correct?

If you have not switched to the collaboration subscription, you can keep updating your perpetual licenses with what ever support agreement you currently have.

So carry on as you are.

If you have switched to the collaboration subscription, your perpetual license will be locked at 25 so you can open any file up to 25.

You will also get a cloud license that can open files form 26 and above.

You are technically not supposed to use both licenses at the same time, but I don't think there is anything to stop you.



@Francois_MCD wrote:

- Is it intended that we can expect forwards or backwards compatibility between versions 28, 29, 30, & beyond as we are used to with every version up to Archiced 27?

From version 28 and beyond, all files will be compatible and object migration will be automatic.

There is just a hard break between 27 and 28 when it comes to the libraries.




One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11

Ok thanks @Barry Kelly this is helpful.

Francois Swanepoel
Everything happens in Archicad since v6.5 (2000) ‌
Hiking, Motorbiking, Good food, Gr8! Beer & excellent conversation 😉
#MadeByDyslexia is my unfair advantage – expect curious ideas, creative big thinking & small typos.
<> <> <> <> (new) Anatomy of Archicad Course

Hi @Ransom Ratcliff ,

@Ransom Ratcliff wrote:

Please tell me if I understand this correctly:

  • The real new Archicad Library for 28 is the Global Library that consists of a selected group of smaller sub-libraries (selected based on "Library Localization Preferences" encoded in the current project or template) that are each bundled into *.libpack files, similar to *.LCF files.

Almost correct. The Global Library indeed consists of smaller library packages. All package is available for all users regardless of the Archicad language version they use. The template defines what is loaded by default.

  • We also have a folder named "Archicad Library28,"  "but the contents of this library are identical to the Archicad 27 library" according to the ArchiCAD 28 Help.   (BTW, when I look in my Archicad Library 28 folder, I see only a single 2k file called "Archicad Library.version")

In this regard what is written in the Archicad Help is true starting from the Archicad 28 Tech Preview Update version. There you will find the Archicad 27 Library on the installer. The main folder has 28 version suffix for user convenience, so Archicad finds it and loads it automatically if needed. But the subfolders have 27 version suffix to indicate that the content is identical with 27.

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 10.55.52.png

  • So, when we migrate a project from version 27 to 28, we are not actually doing library migration. Instead, we are still using a copy of the "Monolith" (new term) Archicad Library 27 and also loading the migration libraries for versions 17 through 26, whether we need those or not.

Correct. So if someone uses Archicad 27 and sends a plan to someone else who uses Archicad 28 and doesn't have the 27 library they can still open it.


  • In essence, the crucial function of the Migration Libraries (also called "Subset Libraries" prior to ArchiCAD 11) to make it possible to continue an existing project in the new version of ArchiCAD and benefit from its improved library, while not missing any discontinued objects, that were already placed in the project, is now broken.

The Global Library development is a technology change, it is not compatible with the Monolith Library (27-). But once the transition is made there will be no need to migrate library objects just because there is a new Archicad version. Also you will be able to simply add newly released Library Package to existing projects if you find its content useful for your project. The Global Library is designed to alleviate migration pain in the future.


  • In order to facilitate Cross-border collaboration, enable easier access to localized content in other-version localized libraries, and make it easier for Development to supply localized libraries, we introduce a so-called "new Global Library technology" that is not backwardly compatible with earlier Archicad libraries. In short, the fact that we always had critically different parts in different localized Archicad libraries that had the same Main IDs in their GUIDs, was not fixed. This of course violated the Cardinal Rule that different objects have different Main IDs, with minor version updates getting a different "Revision ID".
    Indeed, now if we load all the *.libpack files, and no others, we still get thousands of duplicates.

If someone loads only the library packages -as it is claimed above- there should not be duplicates.

I hope I am just misunderstanding the facts and their implications. We had started making subset libraries with version 6.0 in order to reduce the customers' pain of upgrading every year. But now it looks like we have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. We can no longer fully "migrate" a project from version to version. And when a project lacks the billable hours for the overhead of migration, more of our intellectual property will languish in older formats that become ever more difficult to access as operating systems, hardware, and ArchiCAD itself, change.


Migration cut in the library is not a new concept in Archicad, it happened from time to time. This time the difference is that there is a full migration cut in order to introduce the new Global Library technology. With its help, in the future there will be no need to migrate library objects just because there is a new Archicad version.




Hi @Barry Kelly,
@Barry Kelly wrote:

@Ransom Ratcliff wrote:
  • The real new Archicad Library for 28 is the Global Library that consists of a selected group of smaller sub-libraries (selected based on "Library Localization Preferences" encoded in the current project or template) that are each bundled into *.libpack files, similar to *.LCF files.



To be on the safe side allow me to correct one point. The template defines what will be loaded by default, not library localisation preferences.


@Ransom Ratcliff wrote:
  • We also have a folder named "Archicad Library28,"  "but the contents of this library are identical to the Archicad 27 library" according to the ArchiCAD 28 Help.   (BTW, when I look in my Archicad Library 28 folder, I see only a single 2k file called "Archicad Library.version")

I think that folder is supposed to be named '27' and not '28' and should contain the old '27' library.

But it does not.

This used to be where the 'Monolith' library was stored in every previous version.

The old 27 monolith library needs so be loaded if you want to continue using it.

Loading just the migration libraries will allow you to see already placed 27 objects in your project, but you will not be able to place new 27 objects as you can not use new migrated objects unless you alt-click an existing object to get its settings.


I have no idea why that '28' folder is still there if it is empty.


The content of the folder is available starting from Archicad 28 Technology Preview Update. "There you will find the Archicad 27 Library on the installer. The main folder has 28 version suffix for user convenience, so Archicad finds it and loads it automatically if needed. But the subfolders have 27 version suffix to indicate that the content is identical with 27."


Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 10.55.52.png


@Ransom Ratcliff wrote:
  • So, when we migrate a project from version 27 to 28, we are not actually doing library migration. Instead, we are still using a copy of the "Monolith" (new term) Archicad Library 27 and also loading the migration libraries for versions 17 through 26, whether we need those or not.
  • In essence, the crucial function of the Migration Libraries (also called "Subset Libraries" prior to ArchiCAD 11) to make it possible to continue an existing project in the new version of ArchiCAD and benefit from its improved library, while not missing any discontinued objects, that were already placed in the project, is now broken.
  • In order to facilitate Cross-border collaboration, enable easier access to localized content in other-version localized libraries, and make it easier for Development to supply localized libraries, we introduce a so-called "new Global Library technology" that is not backwardly compatible with earlier Archicad libraries. In short, the fact that we always had critically different parts in different localized Archicad libraries that had the same Main IDs in their GUIDs, was not fixed. This of course violated the Cardinal Rule that different objects have different Main IDs, with minor version updates getting a different "Revision ID".
    Indeed, now if we load all the *.libpack files, and no others, we still get thousands of duplicates.

That is correct that there is no migration from 27 to 28.

If you load the 28 library packs you will be able to place new 28 objects.

If you load the 27 migration libraries, you will see the old library parts already placed but you will not be able to place new old objects, you will only see new 28 objects.

If you load the actual 27 monolith library, you will be able to place old 27 objects, as this is not the migration library.


I recommend you do not load the 27 monolith and 28 library packs at the same time.

You should not get duplicates (as 28 are all 'new' objects which is why they do not migrate), but you will have 2 libraries with very similar objects to choose from, and this will be confusing.


If you do load the 27 monolith library as well as the migration libraries, you will get duplicates reported as they contain the same objects.


Yes, all correct above, thank you.



Now with 28 we really have no choice but to make a clean start when using the new library pack.

If you have an old version file, you can work on it in 28, but do not load the global library packs, just continue loading your old libraries.

When starting a new project, start with a new template and use the 28 libraries.

Of course this means you will need to spend time updating your 27 template to a 28 version.

Unload any old libraries,

Load the new 28 global libraries.

Now you will need to find all 'missing' old version objects and swap them for the appropriate 28 version.

You will also need to update any 'favourites' if you have those set to use old library objects.


Correct again, thank you. I'd like to add that there is a Favorit Converter Tool that helps converting a large portion of the favorites. A more user friendly version of it will be available around the Final Customer Shipment release.





Hi @Eric B ,


Placed objects indeed need manual settings, but the favorit conversion is supported with a favorit converter tool. Around the First Customer Shipment release you can expect a more user friendly version of the favorit converter. And Attribute settings in library parts is more customisable than ever before.


If you have some time, take a look at them:

Favorit Converter Tool:

Favorit Converter Explanation Video: 

Mapping Value Table: 

Mapping Values Explanation Video: 






I understand all this. But!
Think of a company running different versions of projects (this happens everywhere).
When migrating, Archicad attaches the entire migration library as a single item.
The migration library for the 28 is uploaded to BIMcloud. This will include the 27 elements.
From here, the million duplicates will appear in the 27 projects.

Of course this can be handled, but I don't think it's right.

4.1 - - -

Hi @SeaGeoff ,



Mapping Value Table: 

Mapping Values Explanation Video: 

Let us know if you have any further question.


Bet regards,






And you don't tell me anything about mine?
Thanks and best regards.



I was just double checking the .mod files when you wrote. 🙂 So the .mod files do not contain any directories, there's nothing to localize. If the .mod file is merged into a project where the library packages are opened as SPAs are already present, then it should work fine.

Let me know if this helps or they still don't work.


Best regards,


If I save a mod file and want to modify it, the library and all parameters are INT.
For example: I make a hotel, create a module file, repeat it 30 times. I need to modify it, I open it in a separate session. The library is INT.
I know I can save it again from the host. But other colleagues could change it from outside the host as we have always been able to.
Don't forget, it is with SPA version.
Thanks again

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