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AC9 US Mac OS X - Keyboard Shortcuts odd behavior

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So I am trying to setup the new Work Environment to reflect our standard keyboard shortcuts and have found two odd behaviors.

I'm trying to make Edit/Intersect have Control-I as its shortcut, but that seems to behave like I have pressed the tab key moving the highlighted field and not registering that I am trying to input a keystroke in the shortcut field.

There seems to be a similar problem with Control-Command(Apple)-M which acts like enter or return, dismissing the dialog box.

Anyone else found this on the Mac (or PC)?

ps. Why does Graphisoft contimue to use keyboard shortcuts that are the same as system wide keystokes on the Mac? Command-Option-D will show and hide the dock, not Drag a Copy and Command-H will hide the active application not Stretch. So everytime I have to put in new custom shortcuts to avoid these obvious conflicts.
That is so creepy.
Just the other day I managed to do Control+S as the stretch command and Control+F as fillet, but now I get what you get for intersect.

It won't accept the Control key input

Dwight Atkinson
in AC9 i think that GS had a better understanding of OSX system-wide key shortcuts and as such slightly tweaked the set-up.

a little trick the development team told me whilst i was testing was to apply the 8.1 (or earlier) shortcut scheme and then quit archiCAD. the next time you launch it, the system shortcuts now 'belong' to archiCAD and so can be manipulated properly within the program: so just apply the AC9 keys again on launching and then try to modify.

does this help?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Thompson, wrote:
... to reflect our standard keyboard shortcuts ...
alex. a lot of companies have their own shortcut set-up i think.

please don't take this the wrong way, but: why? i have a genuine interest in trying to understand why offices 'impose' a shortcut scheme on a member of staff - particularly if they have come from somewhere else with different shortcuts. can't this actually be counter-productive?

i use several particular commands quite a lot whilst working and have all of these easily accessable with my left thumb and fingers. if i started work at an office with their own set-up i'd be lost and probably look quite stupid.

additionally, i try to modify the default settings so that there is a greater chance that when demonstrating something on somebody else's machine the shortcuts are the same.

i saw the possibility of a keyboard shortcut 'profile' in AC9 as something to free up an individual's work environment - something they can take with them anywhere, but in discussions pre-beta it was seen as a way of restricting for CAD managers.

i'd like to hear yours (and others) views . . . ?

thanks in advance
b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
getting the hang of the 'dwight-method-of-double/triple-posting' (TM)

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
hey. I own that.
Dwight Atkinson
Karl Ottenstein
~/archiben wrote:
getting the hang of the 'dwight-method-of-double/triple-posting' (TM)

Hmm.. He's starting to catch up to your total post count, Ben, so you'll have to triple post a few more times to stay ahead. 😉

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
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We have been chasing our AC9 tails for a few days now and can not figure out why our Keyboard Shortcut combinations are vaporizing. We have a few that we wanted to add, so we have modified and saved out a different scheme and put it to a profile and though it works for a while (30 minutes), soon the combinations stop working. I am saying that things like Command-S stops working - one that we haven't changed (obviously).

Has anyone else battled this? Did you win?

We have even had menu pulldowns no longer work...
That sounds possibly like a serious hard drive problem.

1: Clean out the preferences. test.

2: Reinstall - something is damaged or missing....


Where are you keeping the preferences - could they be in your user library rather than the system library??
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
This is on five or more machines... All with the 1812 build. Our current work around is to load a different Work Environment profile, then go back and load ours. That restores the functionality but again only for a while...