When you export a DWG from the 3D-Window, you can define a custom translator. The default one makes ArchiCAD objects into blocks.
If you explode the Block in AutoCAD, you get a Polyface Mesh.
Once that is exploded it turns into 3DFaces.
You can opt for "Export File with Simplified Data Structure" from ArchiCAD (In the Save Dialog: Translator settings -> Save Options -> Saving 3D Data). Now the geometry is not a block anymore, but it still is a Polyface Mesh. This could be exploded (in AutoCAD) to 3D-Faces.
Try both options and see if it makes a difference.
If you export the DWG from the 2D Window, you get a 2D-drawing, where each wall is a block. Once exploded they turn into polylines & hatches, but no 3D data.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
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