I had reported similar experiences while Beta testing 8.0-8.1. After many bug reports and a few phone calls from GS Tech Support, it was never completely resolved. I just figured it was isolated to my machine and mostly because of my Matrox G550 and dual display settings.
One thing that I discovered during my testing was that all of the newly reworked palettes don't act like the original (untouched) palettes for example the "Coordinate Box" and "Control Box", which were never effected.
The new palettes are coded as "dialog boxes" and not "menu palettes"/'tool bars". I guess in order to allow for re-sizing and other new features. I'm on WinXP and didn't know if this made a difference on Macs... I guess it does.
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC
Architectural Technology Specialist
a r c h i S O L U T I O N S
WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7
AC 5.1-25 USA