Is it possible to export all my ArchiCAD settings (keyboard shortcuts, palettes shapes, layout)?
Since I have to migrate on newly installed OS it's actually waste of time to set all these things all over again.
I see that ArchiCAD stores some settings in: Documents and Settings\....\Application data\ Graphisoft\. If I backup this folder and I’ll overwrite newly installed one – will it be enough to restore all my settings ?
It is supposed to work like you described. The user/program setting should be stored in the .PRF files. But in our experience, we found that not to be the case (at least in AC8.0 - AC8.1r1). Maybe someone can verify if AC8.1r2 is any different.
Is there a way to change where AC 8.1 stores prf files?? Maybe regedit?
I would like to store preferences in a removable HD... Any idea?
Thank you,