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How to transfer prefs to new users, ArchiCAD 8.1 Mac OS 10.4

Not applicable
I cannot get my keyboard shortcut preferences to load for other users of 8.1 ArchiCAD on other mac OS 10.4computers.

My problems: Where are these preferences stored? I have copied all the contents of the Graphisoft folder from Library/Preferences, but this does not seem to impact the preferences, even though I restart ArchiCAD.
JMcNichols wrote:
I have copied all the contents of the Graphisoft folder from Library/Preferences, but this does not seem to impact the preferences, even though I restart ArchiCAD.
from memory, this should work. what if you also copy the 'com.graphisoft.archiCADxxxxxx' preferences as well? they can be found directly in the preferences folder at the same level as the 'Graphisoft' folder.

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