Is there a workaround for overriding the Building Material mapping to IfcMaterial. When Exporting to Ifc, ArchiCAD fills the IfcMaterial string with the predefined Building Material.
Building Materials are usefull for giving materials priority. In the same time a list of Building Materials appear by using those priorities. For Example we use different names for the same Building Material in context of IsExternal and LoadBearing. It looks like this.
21 - Kalkzandsteen C
21 - Kalkzandsteen NC
22 - Kalkzandsteen C
22 - Kalkzandsteen NC
21 = refering to IsExternal = true
22 = refering to IsExternal = false
C = refering to LoadBearing = true
NC = refering to LoadBearing = false
The use of priorities is intergraded in the use of namegiving.
By reading the Ifc in, for example Solibri, the IfcMaterial is filled with the names above.
IsExternal and LoadBearing is material independent. So the name of the IfcMaterial should be 'Kalkzandsteen'.
There for I'm looking fo a workaround to get IfcMaterial mapped to 'Kalkzandsteen' instead of, for example '21 - Kalkzandsteen C'
I hope someone can help