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Not enough memory to perform operation ... ArchiCAD

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Hi all.

So I'm running ArchiCAD 14. I tried to simply copy a drawing view of a note within Layout that is to appear on several sheets (copy and paste that's been done MILLIONS of times) but my Mac gives me an error message. I know I'm low on virtual memory... is this the problem? See image attached.

Screen shot 2011-06-08 at 4.55.55 PM.png
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Do you have any other programs running at the same time that might be pulling too much memory? I-tunes can be a big memory hog for systems. Try shutting down a couple and see if you keep getting the same error.
In Activity Monitor check the following:

1. Free RAM
2. Real Memory used by ArchiCAD

If 1 is low (i.e in low 100s of MB) then you have insufficient system memory available - try closing some apps (sort by Real Mem in Activity Monitor to find the memory hogs)

If 2 is 2.5GB+ then your problem is the AC file itself (well its lack of 64bit on Mac .. but i digress). My experience is that above 2.5GB of RAM in use by ArchiCAD and you are sailing close to the wind - messages like those you are experiencing are common. Once you get one of these you pretty much have to quit your AC session and reopen - RAM for that session is toast (its full and AC cannot clean it out)


Screen shot 2011-06-09 at 10.58.11 AM.png

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
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Thanks owen. I'll check out the "Real Memory Used by ArchiCAD". And, Draftinguru, I have never had the problem witth insufficient RAM due to too many programs. I forgot to mention that this particular .pln file is avout 4x bigger than I've ever used. It's almost 450 MB. Noot sure why... That's a whole other discussion. There barely any elements in only two stories, one worksheet and two layouts.
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owen wrote:
In Activity Monitor check the following:

1. Free RAM
2. Real Memory used by ArchiCAD

If 1 is low (i.e in low 100s of MB) then you have insufficient system memory available - try closing some apps (sort by Real Mem in Activity Monitor to find the memory hogs)

If 2 is 2.5GB+ then your problem is the AC file itself (well its lack of 64bit on Mac .. but i digress). My experience is that above 2.5GB of RAM in use by ArchiCAD and you are sailing close to the wind - messages like those you are experiencing are common. Once you get one of these you pretty much have to quit your AC session and reopen - RAM for that session is toast (its full and AC cannot clean it out)


So... I checked the numbers. I opened the file that's been giving me trouble, tried to copy a drawing view of a note within Layout, and at the same time viewed the Real Mem in the Activity Monitor.

As I tried to perform the copy command, the ArchiCAD "process" spiked at 1.66GB Real Mem, added to all the other "processes" which equaled about 425MB... That puts the total Real Mem at only approximately 2.30GB.

Also, I've (repeatedly) tried to quit the ArchiCAD session and re-open the file but no luck. I never had this problem with this iMac. Is it not powerful enough? See my signature. Are their settings within ArchiCAD or the iMac's hardware that can be adjusted?
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to owen...

Your machine has 12GB RAM and you are able to use 4.95GB of Real Mem.

My machine has 8GB RAM but I am NOT able to use 2.30GB...

My math may be rusty but those ratios don't equal at all.

12 : 5 (approximately equals) = 8 : 3.33
Aaron Bourgoin
I recently had some issues with file permissions while transferring files across hard drives. I got error messages related to "memory" issues. The prescription was to select the files in question and reset their permissions to read and write. This seemed to solve the problem.

I bring this up because so very often problems that get flagged by alerts as memory related are not that at all.

You should not be wasting any time with this problem without contacting Graphisoft Tech Support directly. This is what you pay money for. Get Greg Methy and co. on the problem immediately. 1 (800) 238-3992

I suspect they will want to get their hands on this gigundus file of yours.
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 28 / USA AC27-6010 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 15.2
Not applicable
Thanx Aaron... I'll try calling 🙂