I was a happy user of my old Psion 3a, but the case is falling apart so the main function-keys stopped working. The screen and keyboard and all the rest is fine, but I can't directly switch between applications anymore.
There are two suggestions:
Either go for a cheap second-hand one (e.g. on Ebay). I was looking at a nice Sony Clié, but haven't bought anything yet.
Or go for a new one. The cheapest one (a Palm Zire) is less then $100 but it's old technology: PalmOS 4.0, 2 MB, black/white, ... For a few bucks more, you have an 8MB Zire. It'll work fine and is all you really need.
Among the new ones that are more powerfull, I think the Dell Axim models look nice (they are small PC's though, so not the best choice if you are on Mac) and they start at about $200. Around that price point, a lot of nice models become available, like the entry Sony Clié models.
If you want to spend $500 you have so much choice that it is not funny anymore.
FWIW, my trusty old Psion had 2 MB memory (unusual in those days) and is about half full, using about 250 adresses and my calender and a few spreadsheets and databases and some games (somewhere, haven't played them anymore). I never found the 2MB too limited.
I hope that cellphone & pda become one and stay usable. I don't want to walk around with two of these "machines".
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book